National R&D Project

National R&D Project
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
43 교육부 [2022 Announcement of Fostering the Next Generation of Researchers projects in Science and Engineering by Ministry of Ed.. 2022.05.27 2022.06.03
42 교육부 [2022 Announcement of Academic research support projects in Science and Engineering by Ministry of Education] 2022년도.. 2022.02.17 2022.03.04
41 교육부 [2022 Announcement of Academic research support projects in Humanities and Social Scienves by Ministry of Education] 202.. 2022.02.14 2022.02.24
40 교육부 [Announcement of Research Programme in Humanities and Social Sciences for First Half of 2020] 2020년도 상반기 인.. 2020.02.14 2020.02.20
39 교육부 [2020 New Call for Academic Research Support Programme in Science and Engineering] 2020년 이공분야 학술연구지.. 2020.02.07 2020.03.05
38 교육부 [2019 Post-doc Domestic Training Program/Grants for Ph.D. Students in Science & Technology]2019년도 이공분야 .. 2019.06.10 2019.06.17
37 교육부 [2019 Global Ph.D. Fostering Program]2019년도 글로벌박사양성사업 시행 공고(신규 공모) 2019.04.24 2019.05.08
36 교육부 [2019 Development and Supplement of NCS Learning Module]2019년 NCS학습모듈 개발 및 보완 사업 재공모 2019.04.24 2019.04.30
35 교육부 [2019 Autonomic Operation University Research Institute Application and Guidance]2019년 자율운영 대학중점연구.. 2019.02.11 2019.02.18
34 교육부 [2019 New Call for Fostering Next-generation Researchers(Post-Doc Domestic Training) in Humanities and Social Sciences]2.. 2019.02.19 2019.02.25