National R&D Project

National R&D Project
No. Status Ministry Announcement Manager Deadline Attachment
3627 Ongoing 교육부 [2022 Announcement of Fostering the Next Generation of Researchers projects in Science and Engineering by Ministry of Ed.. 허윤정 2022.06.03
3626 Ongoing [MSIT] 과학기술정보통신부 [Application Guidelines for HFSP Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023] 2023년 HFSP 연구자 연수지원 신규 공모 안내 권익만 2022.05.19
3625 Ongoing [MSIT]과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of New Call for 2022 General Grants Project] 2022년도 과학기술정보통신부 기본연구 신규과.. 반한별 2022.03.07
3624 Ongoing [MSIT] 과학기술정보통신부 [Application Guidelines for HFSP Research Grants Award Year 2023] 2023년도 HFSP 연구그랜트(Research Grant) 신청.. 권익만 2022.03.31
3623 Ongoing MOTIE (MOTIE) Announcement of New Call for Material Parts Technology Development Program 2022년도 소재부품기술개발.. 이승호 2022.03.07
3622 Ongoing [MSIT] 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of New Call for 2022 BP(Brain Pool) programs] 2022년 해외우수과학자유치사업(Brain Pool) 신규.. 권익만 2022.08.31
3621 Ongoing 교육부 [2022 Announcement of Academic research support projects in Science and Engineering by Ministry of Education] 2022년도.. 허윤정 2022.03.04
3620 Ongoing 교육부 [2022 Announcement of Academic research support projects in Humanities and Social Scienves by Ministry of Education] 202.. 허윤정 2022.02.24
3619 Ongoing 울산광역시 Notification of the public offering for the project to support the creation of a digital logistics demonstration complex.. 김미경 2022.01.25
3618 Ongoing [MSIT] 과학기술정보통신부 2022/2023 project of science and technology support projects using intellectual property promoted at the level of public.. 권익만 2022.02.08