R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
3864 과학기술정보통신부 Suggested agenda for cooperation in the field of science and technology and ICT between Korea and Slovakia and requested.. 2021.04.07 2021.04.30
3863 [MFDS]식약처 (Re) 2021 3rd Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects(designate) 2021년 식약처 제3차 출연연구개발과제.. 2021.04.06
3862 과학기술정책연구원 (STEPI) Policy Research and Demand Survey for the First Half of 2021 2021.03.29 2021.04.09
3861 [MFDS]식약처 (Re-announcement)2021 5th Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects(service) 2021년 식약처 제5차 용역연구.. 2021.03.26 2021.04.02
3860 과학기술정보통신부 Proposal of cooperation agenda and request for cooperation status between Korea and Czech Republic in the field of scien.. 2021.03.30 2021.04.19
3859 한국지능정보사회진흥원 A Survey on the Demand of New Issues for Artificial Intelligence Learning Data Construction Project in 2021 2021.03.31
3858 과학기술정보통신부 Request for submission of cooperation agenda and status of cooperation in science and technology and ICT fields between .. 2021.03.26 2021.04.23
3857 [MFDS]식약처 2021 6th Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects(service) 2021년 식약처 제6차 용역연구개발과제 주관.. 2021.03.22 2021.04.21
3856 과학기술정보통신부 Proposal for cooperation agenda in the field of science and technology and ICT between Korea and Ukraine and requesting .. 2021.03.17 2021.04.09
3855 [Industry]산업체 2021 New Call for LS Cable & System Research Proposal 2021 LS전선 기술 공모전 안내 2021.03.15 2021.04.16
3854 [MFDS]식약처 (Re-announcement)2021 2nd Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects(designated) 2021년 식약처 제2차 출연연.. 2021.03.12 2021.03.19
3853 [MOE] 교육부 [New Call for Korea-EU Education Collaborative Promotion Program] 2021년 한-EU 교육협력진흥사업 신규과제 .. 2021.03.03 2021.04.02
3852 - 2021 New call for The Korea Teacher’ Pension Research Proposal 2021년도 사학연금 연구 외부연구지원 .. 2021.03.08 2021.03.23
3851 식품의약품안전평가원 Extension of the field demand survey period for safety technology such as food and medicine in 2021 / 2021년 식품·.. 2021.03.09 2021.03.15
3850 한국교통연구원 Korea Transport Institute 2022 Research Project Demand Survey / 한국교통연구원 2022년도 연구과제 수요조.. 2021.03.09 2021.03.15
3849 [MFDS]식약처 (Re-announcement)2021 New Call for Regulatory Science Talent Training Project 2021년 식약처 「규제과학 인재.. 2021.03.03 2021.03.10
3848 해양수산부 Announcement of ‘2021 Academic/Research Polar Research Promotion Program (PAP) New Project’ | 2021년 학·.. 2021.03.02 2021.03.16
3847 [MFDS]식약처 (Re-announcement)2021 4th Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects(service) 2021년 제4차 용역연구개발과제.. 2021.02.23 2021.03.02
3846 [MFDS]식약처 (Re-announcement)2021 2nd Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects(joint) 2021년 식약처 제2차 공동연구개.. 2021.02.23 2021.03.02
3845 [MFDS]식약처 2021 5th Call for Proposals for MFDS R&D Projects(service)2021년 제5차 식약처 용역연구개발과제 주관.. 2021.02.22 2021.03.24