R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
3944 울산광역시 Preliminary survey for the promotion of 「Resolving local problems through resident participation in 2022」 / 「2022.. 2022.01.21 2022.01.21
3943 2022 New Call for AMOREPACIFIC FOUNDATION R&D Project 2022 아모레퍼시픽재단 연구지원 사업 공모 2022.02.01 2022.02.13
3942 울산광역시 Notification of the public offering for the project to support the creation of a digital logistics demonstration complex.. 2022.01.25
3941 울산광역시 Announcement of the Ulsan Academic Research Project Competition for 2022 | 2022년 울산학연구과제 공모 안내 2022.01.12 2022.02.09
3940 [MSIT] 과학기술정보통신부 2022/2023 project of science and technology support projects using intellectual property promoted at the level of public.. 2022.01.10 2022.02.08
3939 2022 New Call for LS Cable & System Research Proposal 2022 LS전선 기술 공모전 안내 2022.01.03 2022.01.28
3938 과학기술정보통신부 Information on the 2022 KARI consignment research project competition plan | 2022년 한국항공우주연구원 위탁.. 2022.01.03
3937 과학기술정보통신부 NST 2020 Convergence Research Group Project New Project Competition | 국가과학기술연구회 2022년도 융합연.. 2022.01.03 2022.02.04
3936 해양수산부 Notification of demand survey for business discovery to materialize strategies for marine bio bases by region: 권역별.. 2022.01.18
3935 2022 Suh Kyungbae Foundation Research Program Recruitment for New Scientists 2022 서경배 과학재단 신진과학자.. 2022.01.03 2022.03.31