R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
3902 [MSIT] 과학기술정보통신부 [PRIMA Quebec-NRF Joint Research Program]2021년도 한-캐나다 산학연 공동연구사업 신규과제 2차 공모 2021.08.01 2021.08.31
3901 과학기술정보통신부 감염병 분야 한-미 공동연구 수요조사 실시 안내 Information of the Korea-U.S. Joint Research Demand Sur.. 2021.07.26 2021.08.08
3900 [MSIT] 과학기술정보통신부 [2021 New Call for Strategic International Collaborative Research Project] 2021년 전략형 국제공동연구사업 .. 2021.06.24 2021.08.13
3899 울산연구원 Information on conducting a research demand survey to discover research projects of Ulsan Research Institute in 2022: 20.. 2021.08.13
3898 방위사업청 Submission of proposals for future challenging defense technology R&D project in 2021 (individual task) | 2021년도.. 2021.08.10 2021.08.12
3897 방위사업청 2021 Future Challenge Defense Technology R&D Project Proposal Competition (PM Planning Task) | 2021년도 미래도.. 2021.08.10 2021.08.12
3896 경찰청 Guidance on Research and Development Technology Demand Survey in Scientific Investigation Field in 2021: 2021년도 과.. 2021.07.12 2021.09.29
3895 낙동강유역환경청 Conducting a Demand Survey on New Research Projects for the Nakdong River Environmental Basic Survey Project in 2022, 2.. 2021.07.08 2021.09.17
3894 산업부 [MOTIE산업부] Announcement of tasks subject to new support in the second electronic component field (semiconductor, d.. 2021.07.20
3893 행정안전부, 과학기술정보통신부 A survey on the demand for pending issues for the National Life Safety Emergency Response Development Project in 2021 :..