R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
3482 과학기술정보통신부 2021 Demand Survey of Cooperation Technology Development Projects for Civil-Military Relations / 2021년 착수 민·군.. 2019.03.26 2019.04.19
3481 과학기술정보통신부 Demand Survey of Cooperation between All Ministries and Local Governments for solving science-based social problems / .. 2019.04.08 2019.04.11
3480 The Energy Economy Research Institute Demand Survey for Finding Basic Research Projects of the Energy Economy Research Institute in 2020 / 2020년도 에너.. 2019.04.08 2019.04.12
3479 항만물류데이터사이언스센터 [2019 Research Project of Port Logistics Data Science Center]2019년 항만물류 데이터 사이언스 센터 연구 .. 2019.04.03 2019.04.16
3478 과학기술정보통신부 [2019 Demand Survey and Presentation for Natioanl Digital Transformation Program]2019년도 국가디지털전환사업 .. 2019.03.18 2019.04.18
3477 한국교통연구원 Demand survey in the first half 2020 of Korea Transportation Research Institute Basic Research Projects and General Proj.. 2019.03.29 2019.04.05
3476 국방부 Submission of a proposal for the selection of the executing agency for the technology transfer project for the civilian .. 2019.03.18 2019.04.18
3475 국방부 Submission of a proposal for the selection of a research institute under the joint civilian military technology developm.. 2019.03.18 2019.04.18
3474 국방부 Announcement of technology demand for technology development project for civilian military in 2020 / 2020년도 민군.. 2019.03.25 2019.05.31
3473 국방부 Announcement of Technology Demand Survey on Technology Transfer Project of Military in 2020 / 2020년도 민군기술이.. 2019.03.25 2019.05.23