R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
168 국가과학기술연구회 [2020 New Call for Multidisciplinary Fusion Cluster] 2020년도 다학제 융합클러스터 신규과제 공고 2020.06.01 2020.06.30
167 국가과학기술연구회 [2020 Announcement of CCL(Convergence Cluster) Program] 2020년도 창의 융합클러스터 상시접수 2020.05.25 2020.06.30
166 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of Innovative Technology Development Program for Material Fusion] 2020년도 소재융합혁신기술개.. 2020.05.25 2020.06.18
165 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of New Call for Carbon to X Technology Development Program for Useful Material Production]유용물질 생.. 2020.05.15 2020.06.15
164 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of Fusion R&D Program for Science Difficulties] 2020년도 과학난제 도전 융합연구개발사.. 2020.05.04 2020.06.03
163 Foundation [New call for research project of Amorepacific Foundation] 2020년 아모레퍼시픽재단 연구지원사업 신청 2020.04.20 2020.05.29
162 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of Basic Research Program in Science and Engineering for Second Half of 2020] 2020년도 과학기술정.. 2020.06.11 2020.06.18
161 [MSIT] 과학기술정보통신부 [Announcement of Korea-Vietnam Joint Research Program]2020년도 한-베트남 협력기반조성사업 신규과제 공.. 2020.04.27 2020.06.25
160 한국연구재단 [Rapid Call for International Joint Research Against the Coronavirus(COVID-19) Pandemic] 2020년도 코로나19 대응.. 2020.05.18 2020.06.08
159 한국동서발전 [Announcement of R&D Competition from Korea East-West Power for 2020~2021]동서발전 20~21년 추진 R&D 공.. 2020.04.01 2020.05.29
158 국가과학기술연구회 [2020 Announcement of CAP(Creative Allied Project) Responding to Infectious Disease] 2020년도 창의형 융합연구.. 2020.04.07 2020.05.07
157 국가과학기술연구회 [2020 Announcement of CCL(Convergence Cluster) Program] 2020년도 창의 융합클러스터 상시접수 공고 안내 2020.06.30
156 한국연구재단 [2020 Announcement of Korea-China Young Researcher Exchange Program(Dispatch)] 2020년도 한중신진과학자교류사.. 2020.04.06 2020.05.15
155 방위사업청 [2020 Demand Proposal/Survey for National Defense Core Technology]2020년 국방 핵심기술 소요공모 2020.03.30 2020.05.15
154 산업통상자원부 [2020 Revised Announcement of Industrial Innovative Foundation Establishment Program] 2020년도 산업혁신기반구.. 2020.03.30 2020.04.29
153 [MSIT] [2020 Korea-India Joint Program of Cooperation in S&T] 2020년도 한-인도 협력기반조성사업(공동연구).. 2020.03.20 2020.05.08
152 행정안전부 [2020 Announcement of Bridging the Gap among Regions by Using Digital Technology] ‘2020 디지털 기술을 활용한 .. 2020.04.10
151 식품의약품안전처 [2020 3rd Announcement of Service R&D Programs Supported by Ministry of Food and Drug Safety] 2020년도 식품의.. 2020.03.23 2020.04.22
150 식품의약품안전처 [2020 3rd Announcement of Main Research Institute Supported by Ministry of Food and Drug Safety] 2020년도 식품의약.. 2020.03.23 2020.04.22
149 교육부(인문사회) [2020 Announcement of Support for Faculty in Humanities and Social Science(B-type)] 2020년도 인문사회학술연구.. 2020.05.06 2020.05.12
148 교육부(인문사회) [2020 Announcement of Support for Faculty in Humanities and Social Science(A-type)] 2020년도 인문사회학술연구.. 2020.04.09
147 과학기술정보통신부 [2020 Announcement of Nano Future Material Source Technology Development Program] 2020년도 나노미래소재원천기.. 2020.03.18 2020.04.16
146 경찰청, 과학기술정보통신부, 산업통상자원부, 환경부, 소방청 [2020 Announcement of Program for Development of Gas Molecule Identification & Analysis Technology in Response to N.. 2020.03.17 2020.04.16
145 과학기술정보통신부 [2020 Announcement of Unmanned Vehicle Source Technology Development Program] 2020년도 무인이동체 원천기술개.. 2020.03.30 2020.04.16
144 과학기술정보통신부 [2020 Announcement of National Mouse Phenotyping Center Program] 2020년도 국가마우스표현형분석사업 신규.. 2020.03.16 2020.03.25
143 과학기술정보통신부 [2020 Announcement of Nano Future Material Source Technology Development Program] 2020년도 나노미래소재원천기.. 2020.03.13 2020.04.16
142 과학기술정보통신부 [2020 Announcement of Next-generation Intelligence-Type Semiconductor Development Program]2020년도 차세대지능형.. 2020.03.16 2020.04.07
141 과학기술정보통신부 [2020 Announcement of DNA + Drone Technology Development Program] 2020년도 DNA+드론기술개발사업 신규과제 .. 2020.02.27 2020.03.26
140 과학기술정보통신부 [2020 Announcement of Nano Future Material Source Technology Development Program] 2020년도 나노미래소재원천기.. 2020.03.02 2020.03.31
139 과학기술정보통신부 [2020 Announcement of Nano Nano Fabrication Facility Support Program] 2020년도 나노팹시설활용지원사업 공.. 2020.03.02 2020.03.31