R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
3485 한국교통연구원 Demand survey in the first half 2020 of Korea Transportation Research Institute Basic Research Projects and General Proj.. 2019.03.29 2019.04.05
3484 국방부 Submission of a proposal for the selection of the executing agency for the technology transfer project for the civilian .. 2019.03.18 2019.04.18
3483 국방부 Submission of a proposal for the selection of a research institute under the joint civilian military technology developm.. 2019.03.18 2019.04.18
3482 국방부 Announcement of technology demand for technology development project for civilian military in 2020 / 2020년도 민군.. 2019.03.25 2019.05.31
3481 국방부 Announcement of Technology Demand Survey on Technology Transfer Project of Military in 2020 / 2020년도 민군기술이.. 2019.03.25 2019.05.23
3480 Ministry of National Defense 2020 Launching Defense ICT New Technology R & D Project Industry-Academy Collaboration / 20 착수 국방ICT신기.. 2019.03.18 2019.04.12
3479 민군협력진흥원 [2019 Proposal for Civil Military Technology Transfer Project] (민군협력진흥원)2019년 민군기술이전사업 .. 2019.03.18 2019.04.18
3478 과학기술정보통신부(MSIP) 2019 National Digital Conversion Projects Demand Survey and Business Presentation / 2019년도 국가디지털전환사.. 2019.03.18 2019.04.18
3477 행정안전부(MOIS) National life safety emergency response research project demand investigation / 국민생활안전 긴급대응 연구 .. 2019.03.13 2019.03.20
3476 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2019 Call for Energy Technology Policy Establishment]2019년도 에너지기술정책수립사업 1차 신규지원 대.. 2019.03.12 2019.03.22