정부 R&D 사업공고

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신규사업공모 신청시 주의점

사업신청을 원하시는 교수님께서는 사업마감일 5일 전까지 연구지원팀 과제 담당자에게 사업계획서를 제출하여주시기 바랍니다.

정부 R&D 사업공고
번호 지원 제목 접수일 마감일 D-day 첨부
3302 [MOE]교육부 [2018 Announcement of New Support for Humanities and Social Sciences Policy Research Center Support Business]2018년 인.. 2018.08.07 2018.08.13
3301 [RDA]농촌진흥청 [2018 RDA Agricultural Science and Technology R&D Project] 2018년 농촌진흥청 농업과학기술 연구개발.. 2018.08.07 2018.08.17
3300 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 3rd Announcement of New Support for Power Informationization and Policy Support Business]2018년도 전력정보.. 2018.08.08 2018.08.30
3299 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 4th Announcement of New Support for Energy International Cooperative Business]2018년도 제4차 에너지국제.. 2018.08.06 2018.09.14
3298 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [Announcement of 2018 Implementation Plans for Industrial Technology Infrastructure Link Utilization Promotion Business].. 2018.07.23 2018.08.27
3297 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [Announcement of 2018 Implementation Plans for Industrial Fusion Technology Promotion Business]「산업융합기술진.. 2018.07.23 2018.08.24
3296 방위사업청 [DAPA] [Announcement of 2018 Project for Civil Military Technology Cooperation research project] 2018년 민․군겸용기술.. 2018.07.23 2018.08.22
3295 방위사업청 [Announcement of 2018 Project for Civil Military Technology Transfer research project] 2018년 민․군기술이전사.. 2018.07.23 2018.08.22
3294 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [Second Half of 2018 Announcement for Energy Technology Development Business]2018년도 하반기 에너지기술개발.. 2018.07.16 2018.08.27
3293 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] [2018 Announcement of Implementation Plan(R&BD) to Overcome the Crisis of Shipbuilding Equipment Parts Suppliers]20.. 2018.07.04 2018.08.09