연구사업 수요조사

연구사업 수요조사
No. Status Ministry Announcement Manager Deadline Attachment
24 Complete 과학기술정보통신부 [2019 Demand Survey and Presentation for Natioanl Digital Transformation Program]2019년도 국가디지털전환사업 .. 고민석외 2019.04.18
23 Complete 한국교통연구원 Demand survey in the first half 2020 of Korea Transportation Research Institute Basic Research Projects and General Proj.. 김동현 2019.04.05
22 Complete 국방부 Submission of a proposal for the selection of the executing agency for the technology transfer project for the civilian .. 사업관리 담당자 2019.04.18
21 Complete 국방부 Submission of a proposal for the selection of a research institute under the joint civilian military technology developm.. 사업관리담당자 2019.04.18
20 Complete 국방부 Announcement of technology demand for technology development project for civilian military in 2020 / 2020년도 민군.. 민군사업기획팀 2019.05.31
19 Complete 국방부 Announcement of Technology Demand Survey on Technology Transfer Project of Military in 2020 / 2020년도 민군기술이.. 공고 및 평가 담당 2019.05.23
18 Complete Ministry of National Defense 2020 Launching Defense ICT New Technology R & D Project Industry-Academy Collaboration / 20 착수 국방ICT신기.. 이기욱 2019.04.12
17 Complete 과학기술정보통신부(MSIP) 2019 National Digital Conversion Projects Demand Survey and Business Presentation / 2019년도 국가디지털전환사.. 고민석 2019.04.18
16 Complete 행정안전부(MOIS) National life safety emergency response research project demand investigation / 국민생활안전 긴급대응 연구 .. 오세민 2019.03.20
15 Complete 과학기술정보통신부(MSIT) Request for Submission of Related Agenda for the Second Korea-Canada Joint Science and Technology Innovation Committee /.. 김주영 2019.03.27