National R&D Project

National R&D Project
No. Status Ministry Announcement Manager Deadline Attachment
2964 Complete 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] 2016 National standard technicianal skills improvement business notice/2016년도 국가표준기술력향상사업 추.. 강아란 2016.08.17
2963 Complete MSIP(미래창조과학부) 2016 Research program of the humanities/2016년도 인문전략연구지원사업 공고 황성은 2016.07.29
2962 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2016 Emotional material・part commercialization supporting task notice/2016년도「감성 소재・부품 사업화 .. 황지현 2016.08.13
2961 Complete 한국연구재단[NRF] 2016 Humanities field policy emphasis research institute supporting business notice/2016년 인문사회분야 정책중.. 황성은 2016.07.21
2960 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2016 International exchange cooperation research plan assessment business notice/2016 국제교류협력 연구기획평.. 황지현 2016.07.15
2959 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2016 3rd Basic source research planning project managing institute PI recruitment/2016년도 제3차 기초원천연구.. 황지현 2016.07.20
2958 Complete 한국연구재단[NRF] 2016 Korea-China core joint research business(Key Joint Research Program) notice/2016년도 한중핵심공동연구사.. 황지현 2016.08.26
2957 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2016 Climate change response technology development business/2016년도 기후변화대응기술개발사업 신규과.. 황지현 2016.08.09
2956 Complete 산업통상자원부[MOITE] 2016 Without factories manufacturing company development supporting business/2016년도 공장없는 제조기업 성장.. 강아란 2016.07.27
2955 Complete 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] 2016 Local industrial hub Institutuion support project Implement plan notice/2016년도 지역산업거점기관지원.. 강아란 2016.08.08