R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
No. Status Ministry Announcement Manager Deadline Attachment
2292 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2014 Radiation research base development program call / 2014년도 방사선연구기반확충사업 신규과제 공.. 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 2014.05.07
2291 Complete 한국연구재단[NRF] Korea goverment departments new medicine development program announcement / 범부처전주기신약개발사업단 .. 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 2014.04.25
2290 Complete 한국연구재단[NRF] 2014 Global Research Lab program application form notice / 2014년도 글로벌연구실(Global Research Lab)사업 신.. 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwnag] 2014.04.24
2289 Complete Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning 2014 Atomic energy research and development projects Hwang sung-eun 2014.05.02
2288 Complete Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 Korea and Germany Funding International Joint R&D Project Plan Announcement / 한·독 양국펀딩 국제공.. 손수연[Son Soo Youn] 2014.07.25
2287 Complete Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 High-tech Die&mould Industry Promotion Base Creating Project /『첨단금형산업 육성 기반조성사업.. 손수연[Son Soo Youn] 2014.04.25
2286 Complete National IT Industry Promotion Agency 2014 SW Expanding base of talent Project Call / SW인재저변확충 사업계획 공고 황지현[Hwang Ji Hyun] 2014.04.28
2285 Complete Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning 2014 IT Research Center and IT fusion High-quality human Process Project Call / 대학IT연구센터 및 IT융합고급.. 황지현[Hwang Ji Hyun] 2014.04.28
2284 Complete Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Civilian helicopter linked to small armed helicopter Core Technology Development Project Call / 소형무장헬기 연.. 손수연[Son Soo Youn] 2014.05.20
2283 Complete Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 2014 People Convenience Improvement Technical Development Demand survey Announcement / 국민편익증진기술개발사.. 손수연[Son Soo Youn] 2014.04.30