R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
No. Status Ministry Announcement Manager Deadline Attachment
2522 Complete 교육부 2015 Daegu Science High School R&E Program/2015 대구과학고등학교 자율연구 과제 사업신청 안내 박혜란[Hye-Ran Park] 2015.02.14
2521 Complete 보건복지부[MW] 2015 Health and medical R&D new drug development project demand survey / 2015 보건의료 R&D 신약개발 .. 박양수[Park Yang Su] 2015.01.30
2520 Complete 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] 2015 People convenience improvement technical development project demand survey / 2015년도 국민편익증진기술개.. 손수연[Son Soo Youn] 2015.03.13
2519 Complete 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] 2015 Material parts technology development project (the 1st) call / 2015년도 소재부품기술개발사업 제1차 .. 손수연[Son Soo Youn] 2015.02.24
2518 Complete Ministry of Health & Welfare The information on the 2015 R&D projects of MOHW Do Hun Kwon 2015.12.31
2517 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2015 University centered nuclear fusion basic research and manpower training support project call / 2015 대학중심 .. 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwnag] 2015.02.05
2516 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2015 A basic research project call (the first half) / 2015년도 기초연구사업 및 상반기 신규과제 공모 이원영[Won-young Lee]/황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 2015.02.12
2515 Complete 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] 2015 National standard technical skill improvement project demand survey / 2015년도 국가표준기술력향상사업 .. 손수연[Son Soo Youn] 2015.02.05
2514 Complete 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] 2015 Industry core technology development project call / 2015년도 산업핵심기술개발사업 신규지원 대상.. 손수연[Son Soo Youn] 2015.02.04
2513 Complete 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] 2015 Global professional technology development project (main force and new industry) call / 2015년도 글로벌전문.. 손수연[Son Soo Youn] 2015.02.04