R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
No. Status Ministry Announcement Manager Deadline Attachment
2807 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2016 Nuclear policy research project notice/2016년 상반기 원자력정책연구사업 공고 황성은 2016.04.22
2806 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2016 The 2nd nano.material technology development project(nano.material source technology developmnet project) task noti.. 황지현 2016.05.02
2805 Complete 국토교통부[MOLIT] 2016 Plant research project implement notice/2016년 플랜트연구사업 시행공고 심규진 2016.04.18
2804 Complete 국토교통과학기술진흥원[KAIA] 2016 National territory traffic technology promotion project implement notice/2016년 국토교통기술촉진연구사.. 심규진 2016.04.18
2803 Complete 국토교통부[MOLTI] 2016 Water management research project implement notice/2016년 물관리 연구사업 시행공고 심규진 2016.04.21
2802 Complete 연구관리팀 [국토교통부] 2016 Railroad technology research project implement notice/2016년 철도기술연구사업 시행공.. 심규진 2016.04.21
2801 Complete 연구관리팀 [방위사업청] Proposal contest for research and development managing department selection/연구개발 주관기관 .. 심규진 2016.05.04
2800 Complete 연구관리팀 [미래창조과학부] 2016 Natural sciences and engineering professional skill training project notice/2016년 이공.. 황지현 2016.04.08
2799 Complete 연구관리팀 [미래창조과학부] 2016 Korea Research Fellowship program call / 2016년 제1차 해외우수신진연구자유치(.. 황지현 2016.04.28
2798 Complete 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] Creativity industry fusion Characterization talent fostering project plan notice/산업통상자원부 「창의산업.. 강아란[Ah Ran Kang] 2016.03.30
2797 Complete 해양수산부[MOF] 2016 Offshore safety and offshore traffic infrastructure technology development project new task selection plan notice/2.. 심규진[Gyu Jin Shim] 2016.04.18
2796 Complete 해양수산부[MOF] 2017 Eco-friendly cultivating fishery development project contest plan notice/2017년도 친환경양식어업육성사.. 심규진[Gyu Jin Shim] 2016.04.29
2795 Complete 방위사업청[DAPA] Proposal contest for research&development the lead agency selection/연구개발 주관기관 선정을 위한 제.. 심규진[Gyu Jin Shim] 2016.05.03
2794 Complete 중소기업청[SMBA] 2016 Option to purchase new product development project domestic distribute strategy task implement plan notice/2016년.. 한수진[Su Jin Han] 2016.10.31
2793 Complete 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] 2016 Engineering education innovation supporting project selection plan notice/2016년도 공학교육혁신지원사업.. 강아란[Ah Ran Kang] 2016.04.21
2792 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2016 Industry-academic cooperation technology development project recruiting/2016년도 산학연협력기술개발사.. 황지현[Ji Hyun Hwang] 2016.04.11
2791 Complete 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] 2016 New Industry-academic consultative group[mini cluster] project call/2016년도 신규 산학연협의체[미니클.. 강아란[Ah Ran Kang] 2016.04.18
2790 Complete 방위사업청[DAPA] Proposal contest for commissioned task executing organization selection/위탁연구 수행기관 선정을 위한 제.. 심규진[Gyu Jin Shim] 2016.04.29
2789 Complete 보건복지부[MOHW] 2016 「Local governments coping with crisis strengthening of ability supporting Agency management」executing organizat.. 심규진[Gyu Jin Shim] 2016.03.31
2788 Complete 원자력안전위원회[NSSC] 2016 The 2nd Nuclear Safety Research Project call new task call/2016년도 제2차 원자력안전연구사업 신규과.. 황성은[Seong Eun Hwang] 2016.04.21
2787 Complete 교육부[MOE] 2016 Urban humanities supporting project call/2016년도 인문도시지원사업 신청요강 공고 황성은[Seong Eun Hwang] 2016.04.28
2786 Complete 기상청[KMA] 2016 Weather the climate Industry Youth startups supporting project Preliminary business start-up team recruiting call/2.. 심규진[Gyu Jin Shim] 2016.04.15
2785 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] Heterogeneous middleware expandability supporting technology research for L-V-C System application/L-V-C 체계적용을.. 황지현[Ji Hyun Hwang] 2016.04.05
2784 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2016 Marine polar Basic source technologies development project new task call/ 2016년도 해양‧극지기초원천기.. 황지현[Ji Hyun Hwang] 2016.03.31
2783 Complete 산업통상자원부[MOTIE] 2016 The 1st Energy Demand management critical technology development project supporting task call/2016년도 제1차 .. 강아란[Ah Ran Kang] 2016.04.20
2782 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2016 NRF-FWF-NKFIH (Korea-Austria, Hungary) Lead Agency call/2016년도 NRF-FWF-NKFIH (한-오스트리아, 헝가리) L.. 황지현[Ji Hyun Hwang] 2016.04.15
2781 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] [C1 Refinery Agency] 2016(2nd year) C1 Gas refinery project task contest/[C1가스리파이너리사업단] 2016년(2차.. 황지현[Ji Hyun Hwang] 2016.04.13
2780 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2016 Result diffusion ability improvement(technology packaging) project call/2016년도『성과확산 역량강화(기.. 황지현[Ji Hyun Hwang] 2016.04.14
2779 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2016 『Research result commercialization supporting project』call/2016년도 『연구성과사업화지원사업』 .. 황지현[Ji Hyun Hwang] 2016.03.30
2778 Complete 미래창조과학부[MSIP] 2016 Scientific and Cultural fusion contents research development project new task contest/2016년도 과학문화융합.. 황지현[Ji Hyun Hwang] 2016.04.22