R&D 사업공고

R&D 사업공고
No. Status Ministry Announcement Manager Deadline Attachment
77 Ongoing 한국연구재단 2023년 연구윤리활동지원사업 추진 연구과제 수요조사 협조 요청 / Request for cooperation in the d.. 조정란 2023.03.09
76 Complete 한국연구재단 Technology demand survey for planning new R&D in the field of energy efficiency improvement in 2020 / 2020년 에.. 문경은 2020.10.14
75 Ongoing 한국연구재단 [Rapid Call for International Joint Research Against the Coronavirus(COVID-19) Pandemic] 2020년도 코로나19 대응.. 송정환 2020.06.08
74 Complete 한국연구재단 [2020 Survey of Carbon to X Technology Development Project for Useful Material Production/period extension] 2020년 유.. 송정환 2020.05.06
73 Complete 한국연구재단 [2020 Survey of Carbon to X Technology Development Project for Useful Material Production] 2020년 유용물질 생산.. 송정환 2020.04.30
72 Ongoing 한국연구재단 [2020 Announcement of Korea-China Young Researcher Exchange Program(Dispatch)] 2020년도 한중신진과학자교류사.. 송정환 2020.05.15
71 Complete 한국연구재단 2014 S/ERC, MRC New project application manual notice / 2014년 상반기 선도연구센터지원사업(S/ERC, MRC) 신.. 황지현[Ji-Hyun Hwang] 2014.02.27
70 Complete 한국연구재단 Notice of Online Application for 2014 Consolidator Grant Program in Humanities and Social Science 박혜란 2014.03.04
69 Complete 한국연구재단 Notice of Online Application for 2014 Study of the subsequent generation (Postdoctoral training in Korea) in Humanities .. 박혜란 2014.02.26
68 Complete 한국연구재단 Notice of Online Application for 2014 Study of the subsequent generation (Academic Research Professor) in Humanities and.. 박혜란 2014.03.04