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spl@UNIST studies nonstationary signal processing / machine learning in the application domains of image acquisition systems / image display systems / product quality inspection / plant & process automation.
Major research field
Nonstationary Signal Processing
Desired field of research
Product Quality Inspection, Plant & Process Automation
Research Keywords and Topics
Nonstationary Degradation Identification & Restoration
Design of Efficient Deep Neural Networks & Applications
Product Quality Inspection & Process Automation
Research Publications
MOREGwak, Moonsung and Seungjoon Yang, “Modeling Nonstationary Lens Blur Using Eigen Blur Kernels for Restoration.” Optics Express (2020)
Cho, Hyunjoong, Jinhyeok Jang, Chanhyuk Lee, and Seungjoon Yang, “Efficient Architecture for Deep Neural Networks with Heterogeneous Sensitivity.” Neural Networks (2020)
Jang, Jinhyeok, Hyunjoong Cho, Jaehong Kim, Jaeyeon Lee, and Seungjoon Yang. "Facial attribute recognition by recurrent learning with visual fixation." IEEE transactions on cybernetics (2018)
- ED. 전기/전자
- ED08. 영상·음향기기
- ED0806. 카메라/캠코더
- 정보-지식-지능화 사회 구현
- 012700. 차세대 디스플레이 기술
- 녹색기술관련 과제 아님
- IT 분야
- 정보처리 시스템 및 S/W
- 010314. 신호처리기술(영상/음성처리/인식/합성)