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‘Metal Oxide DEsign Laboratory (MODEL)’는 금속산화물 합성 및 응용에 관심이 있습니다. 금속산화물은 자연적으로 풍부하며 항상 산소에 노출되기 때문에 화학적 및 열적 안정성이 높습니다. 이러한 높은 안정성은 다양한 기술 분야에서 가장 중요한 요구사항 중 하나이며, 금속산화물은 매우 다양한 성분, 구조를 가집니다. 또한 산화물의 성장을 제어하여 산화물의 특성과 성능을 제어할 수 있습니다. 본 연구실의 연구목표는 금속산화물과 금속수산화물과 같은 관련 물질의 성장 연구를 통하여 다양한 분야에 활용 가능한 새로운 소재를 디자인하는 것입니다.
Our group is interested in metal oxide syntheses and applications. Metal oxides are abundant in nature and exhibit high chemical and thermal stabilities because we are always exposed to oxygen. The feature, high stability, is one of the most important requirements in a wide range of technology areas. In addition, the metal elements are able to form a large diversity of oxides. Furthermore, properties of oxides can be tailored by controlling their growth. Our research goal is to create unprecedentedly useful metal oxides and related materials such as metal hydroxides in various technological fields by studying in depth crystal growth.
Major research field
금속 (수)산화물, 합성, 결정 성장, 응용 / Metal (hydr)oxides, syntheses, crystal growth, applications
Desired field of research
전기촉매, 광촉매, 수소 생성, 태양광 연료 / Photocatalysts, electrocatalysts, hydrogen generation, solar fuels
Research Keywords and Topics
금속산화물, 금속수산화물, 합성, 결정성장, 성장기작, 응용, 합성 전구체,, 촉매 반응
Metal oxides, metal hydroxides, synthesis, crystal growth, growth mechanisms, applications, precursor, catalysis
Research Publications
MORE· Nano Letters / High-performance electrochemical and photoelectrochemical water splitting at neutral pH by Ir nanocluster-anchored CoFe layered double hydroxide nanosheets / Je Min Yu, Jaejung Song, Young Kyeong Kim, Jiyeon Oh, Kwang Young Kim, Woo Yeong Noh, Woo Jin Byun, Jin Uk Lee, Changduk Yang*, Ji-Wook Jang*, Jae Sung Lee* and Seungho Cho* / 2023
· Advanced Functional Materials / Selective, stable, bias-free, and efficient solar hydrogen peroxide production on inorganic layered materials / Jaejung Song, Je Min Yu, Jang Hyuk Ahn, Hyeonjin Cho, Jiyeon Oh, Yoon Seo Kim, Jieun Kim, Myohwa Ko, Seong-hun Lee, Tae Joo Shin, Hu Young Jeong*, Changduk Yang*, Jun Hee Lee*, Ji-Wook Jang*, and Seungho Cho* / 2022
· Complex of mixed metal oxide-quantum dots and light-emitting devices using it, Sungjee Kim, Sungwook Jung, Seungho Cho, Sanghwa Jeong, Jiwon Bang, Joonhyuck Park, and Youngrong Park , 2012
· Synthesis of quantum dot-polymer-layered structure ceramic composites, Sungjee Kim, Seungho Cho, Jungheon Kwag, and Sanghwa Jeong, 2015
- EB. 재료
- EB02. 세라믹재료
- EB0211. 나노세라믹 복합재료기술
- 환경/에너지 프론티어 진흥
- 031300. 에너지 소재기술
- 에너지원기술
- 수소/연료전지
- 241. 고효율 수소제조기술
- NT 분야
- 나노소재
- 030211. 나노소재기술 (나노분말소재, 광학용 나노소재, 고기능 시너지 소재, 촉매/환경/기능소재에 중점)