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본 연구실에서는 (1) 생체모방 등의 방식으로 다양한 전기화학 반응을 위한 촉매 설계, (2) 인광광합성 시스템, (3) 전기화학적 에너지 변환 시스템, (4) 전기화학적 바이오매스 전환 및 활용 기술을 연구하고 있습니다.
Our group focuses on the development of functional materials for energy and environments. Especially, we are interested in the design of (1) electrocatalysts for water electrolysis and CO2 conversion; (2) solar-to-chemical energy conversion (artificial photosynthesis) devices; (3) innovative electrochemical energy conversion systems; and (4) electrochemical biomass utilization technologies.
Major research field
인공광합성, 태양연료, 수전해, 전기화학적 이산화탄소 전환, 바이오매스 활용, 폐기물 e-리파이너리
Desired field of research
폐플라스틱 분해 및 자원화, 바이오매스 연료전지 / Decomposition and Valorization of Plastic Waste, Biomass Fuel Cells
Research Keywords and Topics
• 전기화학 촉매 설계 및 합성 (Design and Synthesis of Electrocatalysts)
- 수전해, CO2 변환, 바이오매스 분해 설계 (Catalysts for Water Electrolysis, CO2 conversion, Biomass Degradation and Valorization)
- Polyoxometalate기반의 생체모방 전기화학 촉매 설계 (Polyoxometalate-based Electrocatalysts Inspired by Nature)
• 혁신적 전기화학 시스템 개발 (Development of Innovative Electrochemical Systems)
- 전극의 젖음성 제어를 통한 전기화학 반응 효율 향상 (Enhancing Efficiencies of Electrochemical Reactions by Controlling Wettability of Electrodes)
- 바이오매스를 이용한 저전압 수전해 시스템 및 연료전지 개발 (Developing Low-voltage Water Electrolysis Systems and Fuel Cells Using Biomass)
• 태양광-화학 에너지 변환 (인공광합성) 소자 설계 및 구현 (Design of Solar-to-Chemical Energy Conversion Devices)
- 태양연료 생산을 위한 유무기 복합 광전극 및 광촉매 입자 설계 (Design of Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Photoelectrodes and Photocatalysts for Solar Fuel Production)
• 폐기물 e-리파이너리 (Waste e-Refinery)
- 폐기물의 전기화학적 분해를 통한 고부가가치 분해산물 생성 (Production of Value-added Chemicals via Electrochemical Decomposition of Waste)
Research Publications
MORE• Advanced Materials / Solar Biomass Reforming and Hydrogen Production with Earth-Abundant Si-Based Photocatalysts / Choi et al. / 2023-07
• NATURE COMMUNICATIONS / Bias-Free Solar Hydrogen Production at 19.8 mA cm-2 Using Perovskite Photocathode and Lignocellulosic Biomass / Choi et al. / 2022-10
• ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS / Superaerophobic Polyethyleneimine Hydrogels for Improving Electrochemical Hydrogen Production by Promoting Bubble Detachment / Bae et al. / 2022-08
• SCIENCE ADVANCES / Superaerophobic hydrogels for enhanced electrochemical and photoelectrochemical hydrogen production / Jeon et al. / 2020-04
• ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS / Modulating Charge Separation Efficiency of Water Oxidation Photoanodes with Polyelectrolyte-Assembled Interfacial Dipole Layers / Bae et al., / 2020-03
• ACS CATALYSIS / Phosphomolybdic Acid as a Catalyst for Oxidative Valorization of Biomass and Its Application as an Alternative Electron Source / Oh et al. / 2020-02
• Electrode for Gas Generation, Method for Preparing the Same and Device for Gas Generation Having the Same. Korea Patent Registered (10-2223466)
- EF. 에너지/자원
- EF06. 신재생에너지
- 환경/에너지 프론티어 진흥
- 030300. 폐기물 저감 및 재활용 기술
- 에너지원기술
- 수소/연료전지
- 241. 고효율 수소제조기술
- ET 분야
- 에너지
- 050217. 에너지저장 이용기술