Smart Materials and Intelligent Structures Laboratory

건설 신소재 지능 구조 연구실

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건설 신소재 지능 구조 연구실

The mission of the Smart Materials and Intelligent Structures (SMIS) Laboratory is to design adaptive structural components/systems for next-generation urban infrastructure, which possess unprecedented properties and functionalities. Our research in the SMIS Lab is thus directed towards advancing multi-disciplinary knowledge at the crossroads between ultrasonics, dynamics/mechanics, chemistry, and bioengineering, with the particular goal of developing a new sensing material that can seamlessly interact with structures and environments. At the intersections of these fields, we develop a unique set of ultrasonic tools capable of not only quantifying the current state of damage evolution in solid materials, but also stimulating molecules, and biological cells in soft materials.

Major research field

Ultrasonics, Ultrasound Imaging, Sonochemistry, Therapeutic Ultrasound, In Vivo Sonication, Nondestructive Testing

Desired field of research

Bioacoustics, Mechanochemistry, Translational Research

Research Keywords and Topics

Smart Sensors and Materials
AI-based Structural Health Management
Ultrasound and Acoustics
Multifunctional Polymers

Research Publications

1. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY / Noninvasive and spatiotemporal control of DNAzyme-based imaging of metal ions in vivo using high-intensity focused ultrasound / Wang and Kim et al., 144 (13), 5812-19, 2022-03.
2. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Ultrasound controlled mechanophore activation in hydrogels for cancer therapy / Kim et al., 119 (4), e2109791119, 2022-01.
3. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / High-intensity focused ultrasound-induced mechanochemical transduction in synthetic elastomers / Kim, et al., 116 (21), 10214-10222, 2019-05.


U. S. Patent, Sonodynamic therapy for cancer (Invention disclosure, April 2019).


  • EI. 건설/교통
  • EI11. 시설물안전·유지관리기술
  • EI1101. 시설물점검/진단기술


  • 기반주력산업 가치창출
  • 040700. 첨단 SOC인프라건설 기술


  • 고효율화기술
  • 녹색국토
  • 342. 그린시티 기타 기술


  • ET 분야
  • 환경기반
  • 050116. 기타 환경기반기술