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Fusion and Plasma Application Research Laboratory(FPL) aims at resolving various problems for successful nuclear fusion experiments and commercialization through research on multi-scale interaction of plasma behavior. The research includes Eulerian & Lagrangian code development based on Gyrokinetics and MHD (magneto-hydro dynamics), extension and improvement on theories and numerical methods for simulation of long time plasma behavior, code verification & validation, and parallel programming and code optimization to utilize the latest architectures being used in supercomputers. These research subjects allow us to carry out more realistic simulation of plasma behavior in nuclear fusion reactors considering impurities and consequently to clarify and exploit underlying physics of experimental results.
Major research field
Plasma simulation, Plasma transport physics, High performance computing, Automatic mesh generation, Machine Learning
Desired field of research
Applications of Plasma simulations
Research Keywords and Topics
. Development of Digital Twin Technology for Fusion Reactors
- Automated Reactor Design
- Simulation Acceleration (Machine Learning, Dimensionality Reduction, Optimal Experimental Design, Supercomputing, etc...)
- Automatic Generation and Utilization of Unstructured Meshes
- Physics Research (Gyrokinetic Physics and Computational Modeling, Turbulent Transport Problems in Fusion)
- Visualization (Unreal Engine, Omniverse)
Research Publications
MORE. Computer Physics Communications / Development of novel collision detection algorithms for the estimation of fast ion losses in tokamak fusion device / Taeuk Moon, Tongnyeol Rhee, Jae-Min Kwon, Eisung Yoon / 2025-04
. Journal of Computational Physics / FPL-net: A deep learning framework for solving the nonlinear Fokker–Planck–Landau collision operator for anisotropic temperature relaxation / Hyeongjun Noh, Jimin Lee, Eisung Yoon / 2025-02
. Nuclear Fusion / Turbulence spreading induced E×B vortex flow generation in a magnetic island / E. S. Yoon, T. S. Hahm, et al. / 2024-10
- NB. 물리학
- NB04. 유체·플라즈마
- NB0403. 핵융합에너지
- 환경/에너지 프론티어 진흥
- 031100. 수소에너지기술
- 에너지원기술
- 원자력/핵융합
- 236. 핵융합로 설계 및 건설기술
- ET 분야
- 에너지
- 050218. 기타 에너지기술