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With the rise of social media, consumers are increasingly interacting with their peer consumers in virtual environments. As this online consumer collective environment becomes more important in terms of customer relationship management, marketing strategy, and marketing communication, marketers are struggling with the question of how, where, and whether they should attempt to participate in this online C2C environment to interact with the consumer collectives. Using the advanced analytical techniques including text analytics, web analytics, and more, Dr. Kim’s lab suggests the answers for the above questions.
Major research field
Digital Marketing, Omni-channel Retail Marketing, Social Influence, Big Data Marketing, Marketing Analytics
Desired field of research
AI Marketing, Metaverse Marketing Strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility, ESG
Research Keywords and Topics
- Digital Marketing Strategy
- Social Media Marketing
- Omni Channel Digital Marketing
- Big Data Marketing
- Marketing Analytics
- AI Marketing
- Automated Marketing
Research Publications
MOREMolan Kim, Seung Min Lee, Sanghak Choi, and Sang Yong Kim (2021), “Impact of Visual Information on Online Consumer Review Behavior: Evidence from a Hotel Booking Website,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 60, 102494.
Scott A. Thompson, Molan Kim, James Loveland, Russell Lacey, and Iana Castro (2017), “Consumer Communities Do Well, But Will They Do Good? A Study of Participation in Distributed Computing Projects” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 37, 32–43.
Scott A. Thompson, Molan Kim, and Keith Smith (2016), “Community Participation and Consumer to Consumer Helping: Does Participation in Third-Party Hosted Communities Reduce the Likelihood to Help?”Journal of Marketing Research, 53(2), 280-295.
Molan Kim, Jeong Eun Park, Alan J. Dubinsky and Seoil Chaiy (2012), “Frequency of CRM Implementation Activities: A Customer-Centric View,” Journal of Services Marketing, 26(2), 83–93.