Applied Linguistics


관련기사 바로가기

As an applied linguist and teacher, Dr. Kim works on pragmatics of foreign language in her research and teaching. Two major themes of her research include contextuality in L2 learning and the development of L2 intercultural communicative competence. Contextuality highlights learning and teaching contexts including foreign language policy and instructional technology. Her previous research projects have helped to build a shared understanding of the foreign language reforms of higher education between different stakeholders, including local and international members (Kim & Tatar, 2017, 2018; Kim, J., Kim, E. G., & Kweon, S-O., 2018, 2021; Kim, Kweon, & Kim, 2017; Kim, Tatar, & Choi, 2014). She has also worked on projects regarding intercultural communicative competence (ICC), greatly related to the internationalization of higher education (Kim, 2019; Kim, Choi, & Tatar, 2017).

Major research field

Quantitative and qualitative language studies on language identity, internationalization on higher education, intercultural communicative competence

Desired field of research

Second language identity, teaching methods, intercultural communicative competence

Research Keywords and Topics

language policy, language identity, English for Specific Purposes, internationalization on higher education, intercultural communicative competence

Research Publications

Kim, J.* & Kweon, S-O. (2022). Effects of English proficiency on motivational regulation in a videoconference-based EFL speaking class. Education and Information Technologies. Published online on December 21 2022 DOI:10.1007/s10639-022-11374-0
Kim, J.* & Smith, H. Y. (2020). Negotiation of emotions in emerging language teacher identity of graduate instructors. System, 95 DOI:10.1016/j.system.2020.102365.
Kim, J.* (2020) International students’ intercultural sensitivity in their academic socialisation to a non-English-speaking higher education: a Korean case study. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 44(7), 939-955.


  • HC. 언어
  • HC05. 영어
  • HC0508. 응용언어(영어)


  • 기타 분야
  • 060000. 국가기술지도(NTRM) 99개 핵심기술 분류에 속하지 않는 기타 연구


  • 녹색기술관련 과제 아님
  • 녹색기술관련 과제 아님
  • 999. 녹색기술 관련과제 아님


  • 기타 분야
  • 기타 분야
  • 070000. 위의 미래유망신기술(6T) 103개 세분류에 속하지 않는 기타 연구