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The Ku research group, PCFL (Polymers & Complex Fluids Laboratory) at UNIST is interested in the design, synthesis, and engineering of advanced soft matter. The aim of the research is to understand the physical and chemical behavior of soft matter based on polymer science and colloid/interface engineering to apply them in real-world life. Recently, our group is focusing on the development of new polymer/colloid-based photo-metamaterials for microdisplays, sensors, and photonic cosmetics. See below for details:
- Polymer Chemistry and Physics: (1) Engineering of polymer architecture and self-assembly behavior, (2) Responsive 3D assembly of liquid crystals (3) Development of functional polymer nanocomposite materials for various applications (bioplastics, cosmetics, displays, batteries, bio-medical fields)
- Colloid Mechanics: (1) 2D and 3D assembly and patterning of multiple colloids by robot dispenser and 3D printer, (2) Shape and movement control of complex colloids
- Soft Robotics: (1) Design of smart colloid units with photo-metamaterials, liquid crystalline elastomer, and photonic polymers, (2) Manufacturing of colloid actuator driven by external stimuli
Major research field
Biodegradable polymer, colloid, elstomer, 3D printer, microrobot, sensor, photoresponsive smart materials
Desired field of research
Bioinspired smart system, liquid robot, colloid microrrobot
Research Keywords and Topics
(1) Polymer Physics/Polymer Chemistry: Engineering of polymer architecture and self-assembly behavior, design of functional polymer nanocomposites, block copolymers, hybrid nanomaterials
(2) Colloid Mechanics/Colloid Chemistry: Stimuli (pH, temperature, light)-responsive emulsions, Assembly and patterning of multiple colloids, shape and movement control of complex colloids
(3) Soft Robotics: Design of smart colloid units with liquid crystals and photonic polymers, manufacturing of liquid crystalline elastomer-based colloid actuator
Research Publications
· J. Kim†, H. Yun†, Y. J. Lee, J. Lee, S.-H. Kim, K. H. Ku*, B. J. Kim* Photoswitchable Surfactant-Driven Reversible Shape- and Color-Changing Block Copolymer Particles, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 33, 13333 (2021)
· Q. He†, K. H. Ku†, H. Vijayamohanan, B. J. Kim*, T. M. Swager* "Switchable Full-Color Reflective Photonic Ellipsoidal Particles" Journal of the American Chemical Society 142, 23, 10424 (2020)
· K. H. Ku, J. Li, K. Yoshinaga, T. M. Swager* "Dynamically Reconfigurable, Multi-Functional Emulsions with Controllable Structure and Movement" Advanced Materials 31, 51, 1905569 (2019)
· J. Lee†, K. H. Ku†, J. Kim, Y. J. Lee, S. G. Jang, B. J. Kim* "Light-Responsive, Shape-Switchable Block Copolymer Particles" Journal of the American Chemical Society 141, 38, 15348 (2019)
- EC. 화공
- EC03. 고분자공정기술
- EC0302. 고분자 입자제조기술
- 환경/에너지 프론티어 진흥
- 031600. 바이오에너지기술
- 에너지원기술
- 재생에너지
- 222. 바이오에너지 기타 기술
- NT 분야
- 나노소재
- 030211. 나노소재기술 (나노분말소재, 광학용 나노소재, 고기능 시너지 소재, 촉매/환경/기능소재에 중점)