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For many years, experiments and computer modeling methods have been significantly used for characterizing the microstructures of mesoscopic materials in order to study their relationship to desired properties and in order to optimize the materials design and performance. In fact, many problems related to the properties of materials, such as corrosion, fatigue crack formation, fracture, mechanical responses, piezoelectric responses, and etc, are three-dimensional in nature because most practical mesoscopic materials have a polycrystalline or multi-phase structure with significant complexity in the spatial arrangement of the microstructural units (for example, spatial and size distributions of grains and particles, grain boundary and interphase boundary character/energy distributions, orientation texture, and etc.). This is especially true for metallic and ceramic structural and functional materials, since they are subject to various processes (for example, rolling, extrusion, tempering, sintering and etc) before commercializing. Therefore, it is of great interest to characterize microstructural parameters and to reveal their effects on the properties of the materials in three dimensions for studying microstructure-property relationships.
Major research field
Computational materials science, Microstructure-property relationship, Microstructural characterization
Desired field of research
Microstructural evolution, characterization and property relationship study using computational/experimental methods, Data analytics, Structural metals, ceramics and composites, Developing new computational methods
Research Keywords and Topics
• Mesoscopic microstructology
• Coupled simulation of working and coarsening of metallic materials
• Grain boundary character-energy relation
• Multiscale micromagnetics vs. microstructure
• Simulation of grain growth and sintering
• Data analytics on mechanical fields distribution in composites
• Abnormal grain growth in electrical steel
• Multiscale simulation for heat-current transport in perovskite LED device
• Evolution and characterization of bicontinuous system
• Mesoscopic microstructural characterization of Li+ ion battery cathode particles
Research Publications
MORE• JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY / A two-dimensional Monte Carlo model for pore densification in a bi-crystal via grain boundary diffusion: Effect of diffusion rate, initial pore distance, temperature, boundary energy and number of pores / Son, Youngkyun; Chung, Hyesoo Belinda; Lee, Sukbin / 2020-07
• SCRIPTA MATERIALIA / A three-dimensional Monte Carlo model for coarsening kinetics of the bi-continuous system via surface diffusion and its application to nanoporous gold / Son, Gaeun; Son, Youngkyun; Jeon, Hansol; Kim, Ju-Young; Lee, Sukbin / 2020-01
• MODELLING AND SIMULATION IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING / Three-dimensional digital approximations of grain boundary networks in polycrystals / Lee, Sukbin; Rohrer, G.S.; Rollett, A.D. / 2014-03
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