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Topological electronics is a new field of interest utilizing the topologically distinctive state of matters. For topological electronics, where the information is carried by the topological charge through the topological domain boundary, at least two distinctive topological phases should be accessible and controllable in one system. By using the relativistic ab-initio first-principles calculation, we are trying to find a candidate platform to host versatile topological phases and control the topological domain boundary through which the topological charges flow.
Major research field
spin-orbit entangled state in transition metal systems, topologically non-trivial phase, pole structure of Berry curvature
Desired field of research
anomalous response function in low dimensions, quantum metric tensor
Research Keywords and Topics
1. non-trivial topological phases in various dimension
2. quantum geometric tensor induced by symmetry breaking
3. correlated relativistic electron systems
Research Publications
MOREProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., Switchable S=1/2 and J=1/2 Rashba bands in ferroelectric halide perovskites, M Kim / J Im / A J Freeman / J Ihm / H Jin (2014/05)
Nat. Commun., Spin-orbital entangled molecular jeff states in lacunar spinel compounds, H Kim / J Im / M J Han / H Jin (2014/06)
Nat. Commun., Prediction of ferroelectricity-driven Berry curvature enabling charge- and spin-controllable photocurrent in tin telluride monolayers, J Kim / K-W Kim / D Shin / S-H Lee / J Sinova / N Park / H Jin (2019/09)
Nano Lett., Ferroelectricity-driven phonon Berry curvature and nonlinear phonon Hall transports, J Im / C H Kim / H Jin (2022/10)
Nat. Commun., Defect-gradient-induced Rashba effect in van der Waals PtSe2 layers, J Jo / J H Kim / C H Kim / J Lee / D Choe / I Oh / Z Lee / H Jin / J-W Yoo (2022/05)
- NB. 물리학
- NB06. 응집물질물리
- NB0602. 응집물질 계산과학