Mathematical Finance


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본 연구실에서는 금융수학, 확률론적 최적화, 확률론의 응용 등을 연구합니다. 재무경제학과 관련된 효용 극대화 문제와 시장균형 모형등을 연구합니다.
My research interests include mathematical finance, stochastic control, and applied probability theory. I am particularly interested in the utility maximization problems originating from economics, and the characterization of the market equilibrium among the financial agents who optimize their strategies.

Major research field

Mathematical Finance, Stochastic Control

Desired field of research

Mathematical Finance, Stochastic Control

Research Keywords and Topics

금융수학(Financial Mathematics)
확률론적 최적화(Stochastic Control)

Research Publications

Mathematical Finance, Optimal investment/consumption with liquid and illiquid assets, Choi, J. (2020)
Journal of Financial Economics, Information and trading targets in a dynamic market equilibrium, Choi, J. et al. (2019)
Finance and Stochastics, Taylor approximation of incomplete Radner equilibrium models, Choi, J. and Larsen, K. (2015)


  • NA. 수학
  • NA05. 응용수학
  • NA0505. 금융수학