Cancer Translational Research Lab

암 중개 연구실

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암 중개 연구실

Genetic mutations and growth signals in cancer microenvironments can dynamically alter metabolic pathways. This results in increased biosynthesis and abnormal bioenergetics which in turn promote cell proliferation, metastasis and survival and immune destruction avoidance. Furthermore, metabolic remodeling regulates tumor epigenetic alterations by regulating the activity of epigenetic modification enzymes and gene expression in cancer. Therefore, targeting of cancer metabolism may provide new effective therapies to treat cancer. To investigate role of metabolism of cancer we mainly focus on mechanism of metabolic reprograming of cancer especially in hypoxic environmental stress, oncogenic growth signaling and cancer stem cells.

Major research field

Cancer Metabolism, Stress Response of Cancer, Mitochondria of Cancer

Desired field of research

Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer Initiation, Progression and Therapy, Mechanism of tumor therapeutic resistance

Research Keywords and Topics

1. Role of Metabolic reprogramming mechanism in Cancer and Cancer Stem Cells
2. Role of Mitochondrial dynamics changes in cancer progression
3. Mechanism of tumor therapeutics resistance
4. Replication stress response in cancer development

Research Publications

1. Nucleic Acids Research, NSMF promotes the replication stress-induced DNA damage response for genome maintenance, Ju MK, Shin KJ, Lee JR, Khim KW et al, Choi JH, Kim H, Chae YC (202106)
2. Cancer letters, Androgen-induced expression of DRP1 regulates mitochondrial metabolic reprogramming in prostate cancer, Lee YG, et al, Chae YC(202002)
3. Cancer Research, MFF regulation of mitochondrial cell death is a therapeutic target in cancer. Cancer Res. Cancer Cell, Mitochondrial Akt Regulation of Hypoxic Metabolic Reprogramming. Seo JH et al, Chae YC*, Altieri DC*. (*co-corresponding) (201910)
4. Cancer Cell, Mitochondrial Akt Regulation of Hypoxic Metabolic Reprogramming. Chae, YC. et al. and Altieri, DC. (201608)


  • LA. 생명과학
  • LA01. 분자세포생물학
  • LA0101. 신호전달


  • 건강한 생명사회 지향
  • 020300. 선도물질도출기술


  • 녹색기술관련 과제 아님
  • 녹색기술관련 과제 아님
  • 999. 녹색기술 관련과제 아님


  • BT 분야
  • 기초/기반기술
  • 020114. 생명현상 및 기능연구