Science Walden


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사이언스월든은 과학예술융합 연구를 통해 디지털 자동화시대 소외 중심의 사회문제를 해결하고자 한다. 디지털 시대의 인간소외, 자본으로부터의 소외를 과학기술이 역할을 할 수 있으려면 인문학, 예술 등과 융합해야 한다고 믿고 과학예술융합 연구방법론인 사이언스월든 개념들을 제안하게 되었다. 제안된 개념으로는 Cyborg Thinks, 디지털백신/예방주사, 똥본위화폐, 아티스트캔버스 플랫폼, Street Smart 교육기호 개발 등이다.
Science World aims to solve social problems centered on alienation in the era of digital automation through science and art convergence research.
In order for science and technology to play a role in the alienation of humans and capital in the digital age, science and technology must be fused with humanities and arts, and science and art convergence research methodology, Science Walden concepts, was proposed.
Proposed concepts include Cyborg Thinks, digital vaccine/prevention injection, shit standard currency, artist canvas platform, and street smart education symbol development.

Major research field

Desired field of research

Research Keywords and Topics

과학예술 융합, 공동체공학, 똥본위화폐
Convergence of Science and Arts, Feces Standard Money (FSM)
똥본위화폐 사회시스템 실현, 미래사회 공동체 공학
System development of Feces Standard Money with scientific research

Research Publications

1. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY / Charge characteristics (surface charge vs. zeta potential) of membrane surfaces to assess the salt rejection behavior of nanofiltration membranes / Jun, Byung-Moon; Cho, Jaeweon; Jang, Am; Chon, Kangmin; 2Westerhoff, Paul; Yoon, Yeomin; Rho, Hojung / 2020-09
2. DESALINATION / Fouling behavior of marine organic matter in reverse osmosis membranes of a real-scale seawater desalination plant in South Korea / Lee, Yong-Gu; Kim, Sangwon; Shin, Jaegwan; Rho, Hojung; Lee, Younggeun; Kim, Young Mi; Park, Yongeun; Oh, Sang-Eun; Cho, Jaeweon; Chon, Kangmin / 2020-07
3. DESALINATION / Comparative performance of FO-RO hybrid and two-pass SWRO desalination processes: Boron removal / Ban, Se-Hyeon; Im, Sung-Ju; Cho, Jaeweon; Jang, Am / 2019-12


1. 친환경 변기 및 이를 이용한 자동 분뇨 처리 방법 / 조재원; 최미진; 한국인; 남태우; 이현경; 박종관 / 2018-07
2. 원형 모형의 미래형 물 없는 양변기 / 이현경; 한국인; 조재원; 송수향; 조은호 / 2017-06

Books (selected)
2020: Honey Money: fSM new money for a new society