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The Sustainable Energy Materials Laboratory focuses on developing materials and devices that use renewable electrical energy to synthesize value-added compounds. We fabricate organic, inorganic, and hybrid organic-inorganic electrocatalysts using various processes. These catalysts are applied to activate microbial metabolic pathways or depolymerize plastic wastes to produce high-value compounds (e.g., bioplastics, organic acids, fuels).
Major research field
Electrochemical materials and devices, Material catalysts, Nanocatalysts, Microbial electrosynthesis, Carbon neutrality, Waste valorization
Desired field of research
Thermoelectrical catalysts, High-temperature catalysts, Microbial engineering, Molecular catalysts, In situ characterization of catalysts
Research Keywords and Topics
Catalyst synthesis, Electrochemistry, Microbial electrosynthesis, Electrochemical valorization of plastic wastes
Research Publications
· High-Photovoltage Silicon Nanowire for Biological Cofactor Production. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145, 19508-19512 (2023)
· Photoelectrocatalytic N2 fixation and C-H oxyfunctionalization driven by H2O oxidation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 336, 122925 (2023)
· Z-Schematic Artificial Leaf Structure for Biosolar Oxyfunctionalization of Hydrocarbons. ACS Energy Letters 8, 2513-2521 (2023)
· Photoelectrocatalytic biosynthesis fuelled by microplastics. Nature Synthesis 1, 776-786 (2022)
· Lignin as a multifunctional photocatalyst for solar-powered biocatalytic oxyfunctionalization of C–H bonds. Nature Synthesis 1, 217-226 (2022)
· Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide as a photocatalyst. Science Advances 5, eaax0501 (2019)
· Biocatalytic C=C Bond Reduction through Carbon Nanodot-Sensitized Regeneration of NADH Analogues. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 57, 13825-13828 (2018)
· 마이크로 플라스틱을 연료로 하는 광전기화학 전지 및 이에 의한 유용물질의 생합성 방법/10-2022-0176847/2022
· 리그닌 광촉매 및 비특이적 퍼옥시게나아제를 포함하는 하이브리드 촉매 및 이의 용도/10-2022-0173545/2022
· 리그닌 화합물을 포함하는 광전기화학전지 및 이를 이용한 보조인자의 광전기화학적 재생을 통한 효소적 유용물질의 제조방법/ 10-2022-0105369/2022
· β-아밀로이드(Aβ) 응집체 해리용 KLVFF 펩티드가 접합된 산화구리 광전극/10-2377735/2022
· CIGS 광전지-광전극 탠덤 구조를 포함하는 광전기화학(PEC) 장치/ 10-2288193/2021
· 다이뉴클레오타이드를 포함하는 광촉매 및 이의 용도/10-2325854/2021