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To achieve the soft and stretchable nature in high performance electronics and to apply this technology to wearable biomedical electronics/optoelectronics/soft-robotics, several strategies need to be employed, such as the designed assembly of high-quality nanomaterials and new design of individual devices with deformable structures. We seek to develop novel nanocomposites and their printing technologies by controlling their interfacial properties to achieve multidimensional form factors and deformability while maintaining the unique optical/electrical/mechanical properties of each nanomaterial. We want to develop high performance wearable/implantable electronic devices and soft robots to improve human life and well-being.
Major research field
Wearable Quantum Dot LEDs, 4D printing, Soft Robotics
Desired field of research
Flexible & Stretchable Electronics, Wearable Electronics, Soft Robotics, 4D printing, Self-Healing, Artificial Electronic Organs
Research Keywords and Topics
Stretchable electronic device, quantum dot display, wearable, bio-implantable, 4D printing
Research Publications
MORE· Advanced Materials, “Extremely Vivid, Highly Transparent, and Ultrathin Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes.”, M. K. Choi✝, J. Yang✝, D. C. Kim✝, Z. Dai, J. H. Kim, H. Seung, V. S. Kale, S. J. Sung, C. R. Park, N. Lu, T. Hyeon, D.-H. Kim, 2018, 30, 1703279.
· Nature Communications, “Human-Eye-Inspired Soft Optoelectronic Device using High-Density MoS2-Graphene Curved Image Sensor Array.”, C. Choi✝, M. K. Choi✝, S. Liu✝, M. S. Kim, C. Im, O. K. Park, J. Kim, G. J. Lee, K. W. · Cho, M. Kim, E. Joh, J. Lee, D. Son, S.-H. Kwon, N. L. Jeon, Y. M. Song, N. Lu, D.-H. Kim, 2017, 8, 1664.
· Nature Communications, “Wearable Red-Green-Blue Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diode Array Using High-Resolution Intaglio Transfer Printing.”, M. K. Choi✝, J. Yang✝, K. Kang✝, D. C. Kim, C. Choi, C. Park, S. J. Kim, S. I. Chae, T.-H. Kim, J. H. Kim, T. Hyeon, D.-H. Kim, 2015, 6, 7149.
· Electronic Device for Artificial Eyeball and Artificial Eyeball Comprising the Same, 김대형, 현택환, 최문기, 최창순, Korea Patent (10-1978549), 2019.05.08
· Quantum dot electronic device and quantum dot transfer printing method, 김대형, 현택환, 최문기, 양지웅, 강광훈, US Patent (10,026,913), 2018.09.27
- EC. 화공
- EC02. 나노화학공정기술
- EC0205. 나노공정시스템 기술
- 기반주력산업 가치창출
- 041600. 나노 소재/소자기술
- 고효율화기술
- NT 분야
- 나노소자 및 시스템
- 030111. 나노전자 소자기술