Quantitative NeuroImaging

Biomedical Imaging Science and Engineering Lab(BISE)

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Biomedical Imaging Science and Engineering Lab(BISE)

We are young and interdisciplinary group of people spending most of our time in developing quantitative in vivo biomedical imaging techniques. Interdisciplinary nature of undergoing investigations keeps us busy and think outside the box everyday, focused on pushing the limit of state-of-art imaging technologies.

Major research field

Quantitative microvascular MRI, MR relaxivity based iron and myelin MR Imaging

Desired field of research

Quantitative microvascular MRI, MR relaxivity based iron and myelin MR Imaging

Research Keywords and Topics

· Quantitative microvascular MRI
· MR relaxivity based iron and myelin MR Imaging

Research Publications

· Lee H, Cho H, Lee M,Kim TH, and Lee JH “Differential effect of iron and myelin on susceptibility MRI in the subdivisions of substantia nigra”, Radiology DOI:10.1148/radiol.2021210116 (2021)
· Kwon KJ, Cho HP, Lee SY, Cho EJ, Yu WJ, CYL Kok, Je HS, Kim JI, Cho H, and Kwon T “Adaptive cellular response of the substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons upon age dependent iron accumulation”,Aging Cell DOI:10.1011/acel.13694 (2022)
· Lee DK, Kang MS, and Cho H”MRI size assessment of cerebral microvasculature using diffusion-time-dependent stimulated-echo acquisition: A feasibility study in rodent”,NeuroImage DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116784 (2020)
· Lee H, Baek SY, Kim EJ, Huh GY, Lee JH, and Cho H “MRI T2 and T2* relaxometry to visualize neuromelanin in the dorsal substantia nigra pars compacta”,NeuroImage DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116625 (2020)


  • OA. 뇌과학
  • OA04. 뇌공학
  • OA0401. 뇌신호의 측정 및 분석


  • 건강한 생명사회 지향
  • 021200. 생체영상처리기술


  • 녹색기술관련 과제 아님
  • 녹색기술관련 과제 아님
  • 999. 녹색기술 관련과제 아님


  • BT 분야
  • 보건의료 관련응용
  • 020217. 의과학?의공학 기술