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This lab mainly investigates how firms in the supply chain can manage their supply chain more efficiently and approaches to increase their operational performance. Research interest of this lab is (1) Supply Chain Risk Management – response and recovery phase (2) Circular Economies in the Supply Chain (3) Ethics and Justice in the Buyer-Supplier Relationship (4) Power issue in the Buyer-Supplier relationship and (5) Service Operations Management.
Major research field
Supply Chain Risk Management Buyer-Supplier Relationship
Desired field of research
Supply Chain Optimization
Research Keywords and Topics
· Supply Chain Risk Management – response and recovery phase
· Circular Economies in the Supply Chain
· Ethics and Justice in the Buyer-Supplier Relationship
· Power issue in the Buyer-Supplier relationship.
· Service Operations Management
Research Publications
· JOURNAL OF PURCHASING AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT / Supply chain disruption response and recovery: The role of power and governance / Lee, C.H., Son, B.G. and Roden, S / 2023
· INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS / Antecedents of circular manufacturing and its effect on environmental and financial performance: A practice-based view / Liu, Y., Farooque, M., Lee, C.H., Gong, Y. and Zhang, A., / 2023
· INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT / Positive and negative switching barriers: promoting hotel customer citizenship behaviour through brand attachment / Lee, C.H. and Kim, H.R /2022
· INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS / Investigating the fair treatment of suppliers and its trust fostering role and performance benefits / Son, B-G., Lee, C.H., Ha, B.C. and Nam, H / 2019