연구윤리 관련 자료


Notice on 2020 Reserach Ethics Forum(’20/03/27)(2020 연구윤리 포럼 개최 안내)

Mar 25. 2020

ㅇ Under the theme of “Last Issue of Research Ethics in Korea and Searching for Policy Directions,” the 2020 Research Ethics Forum will be held byy national research foundation of Korea and related groups.

ㅇ The Forum will be hold online (Webina), so please register in advance and attend the forum.

A. Date and Time : 2020.03.27(Fri) 14:00-18:00

B. Theme : Recent Issue of Research Ehtics in Korea and Searching for Policy Directions’

C. URL for online participation  : http://ref.mlice.kr/login.php

(the registeration is untill ’20/03/26. non-register can attend to the forum but the certificate of this forum will not be able.)

D. All researchers and students in UNIST are eligible to attend.

D. Note : The forum will be delivered in KOREAN.