

Invitation to Explanation and Panel discussion for a new bill of national R&D policy / 국가 R&D 혁신 토론회

Feb 15. 2019

국가 R&D 토론회 개최 안내
0. 일시: 2.25(월) 14:00~16:00
0. 장소: UNIST 경영관 114동 102호
0. 진행내용
– 주제발표(국가과학기술혁신정책 방향 및 특별법 입법 방안’
– 패널토론 및 질의응답(UNIST 조윤경 교수님 패널로 참여 예정)
0. 방문인
– (주제발표) 과기부 임대식 과기혁신본부장
– (토론) 변호사, 기업, 교수, 대학 산단장 등 (첨부 참조)

Invitation to Explanation and Panel discussion for a new bill of national R&D policy
As the Korean congress submitted a bill for innovation of the R&D policy last year, the government(Ministry of Science and ICT) has arranged a chance to discuss on the bill and hear opinions from the universities or research institutes.

If you are interested in the R&D policy to be changed due to the submitted bill, please come and watch the panel discussion.
There will be an explanation about the bill before the discussion.

– when: Feb 25th(Mon.) 14:00~16:00
– where: UNIST Technology Management Building(1F)
– participants: any researchers or research support staff interested in the bill to be changed

국가 R&D 혁신 토론회 초청장