
표준 분류

  • Jae-Young Kim김재영

    관심분야: Black holes, active galaxies, accretion and outflow, multi-wavelength/messenger astrophysics
    희망분야: Cosmology, radiative transfer, neutrino physics, MHD/GRMHD simulations, machine learning, FPGA/GPU, RF engineering

  • James Andrew Self셀프, 제임스 앤드루

    관심분야: 디자인 씽킹; 디자인 혁신, 디자인 교육, 제품 디자인

  • Jeehoon Jung정지훈

    Electrical Engineering
    관심분야: Power Converters, Wireless Power Transfer, Smart Power Interface, Power HIL System, Induction Heating System
    희망분야: AI-based Power Control System, Multi-functional Power Conversion System, Intelligent Power Interface

  • Jeong Hwan Joo주정환

    School of Business Administration
    관심분야: 회계정보의 자본시장에서의 역할(예측, 기업가치평가 등, 기업지배구조, 인센티브, 금융시장규제 등
    희망분야: The role of accounting information in the capital market, Corporate governance, Incentives, Financial market regulations

  • Jingook Kim김진국

    Electrical Engineering
    관심분야: 전자파적합성, 신호 무결성, 반도체 설계 (전자파 관리 회로), 반도체 패키지 설계, 인공지능 활용 (전자파 설계 관리) / EMC, Signal Integrity, IC Design for EMC, package design, AI-aided EMC design
    희망분야: 전자파적합성, 신호 무결성, 반도체 설계 (전자파 관리 회로), 반도체 패키지 설계, 인공지능 활용 (전자파 설계 관리) / EMC, Signal Integrity, IC Design for EMC, package design, AI-aided EMC design

  • Joonwoo Jeong정준우

    관심분야: Soft Matter Physics, Active Matter, optical/X-ray/neutron microscopy/scattering
    희망분야: Nonequilibrium physics

  • Jooyong Yi이주용

    Computer Science and Engineering
    관심분야: Software testing such as fuzzing, Program analysis for program repair and verification
    희망분야: Software testing such as fuzzing, Program analysis for program repair and verification

  • Jun Hee Lee이준희

    Graduate School of Semiconductor Materia
    관심분야: 전산모사, 기계학습, 메모리 반도체, 강유전체, 전기화학 촉매, 전기-수소차 모터용 자석
    희망분야: CO2 전환, 인공지능, 양자 컴퓨터, 위상 물질, 반도체 박막 실험 구현, 배터리-연료전지 실험

  • Ki-Suk Lee이기석

    Graduate School of Semiconductor Materia
    관심분야: 자성, 스핀트로닉스, 스핀 동역학, 자성 솔리톤, 탈 희토류 자석 / Magnetism, spintronics, spin dynamics, magnetic solitons, rare-earth free magnet

  • Kyung Rok Kim김경록

    Electrical Engineering
    관심분야: Nano-CMOS, Neuromorphic Device, Multi-Value Logic, THz Plasma-Wave Transistor (PWT), Monolithic Transistor-Antenna (Trantenna), THz Imaging
    희망분야: Neuromorphic Processing-in-Memory Architecture, THz Spectroscopy, Near-Field THz Imaging