셀프, 제임스 앤드루James Andrew Self
디자인 씽킹 연구소
관심분야: 디자인 씽킹; 디자인 혁신, 디자인 교육, 제품 디자인- +82-52-217-2722
- jaself@unist.ac.kr
- http://www.designthinkingresearch.com/
- Bldg. 104 Rm. 904
채영찬Young Chan Chae
암 중개 연구실
관심분야: Cancer Metabolism, Stress Response of Cancer, Mitochondria of Cancer
희망분야: Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer Initiation, Progression and Therapy, Mechanism of tumor therapeutic resistance- +82-52-217-2625
- ychae@unist.ac.kr
- https://sites.google.com/view/cancerlab
- Bldg. 110 Rm. 409
남덕우Dougu Nam
생물정보학 연구실- +82-52-217-2525
- dougnam@UNIST.AC.KR
- https://sites.google.com/site/bigunist2/
- Bldg. 110 Rm. 603
조윤경Yoon-Kyoung Cho
관심분야: Lab-on-a-chip, Nanobio materials, Point-of-care diagnostics, Biomimetics, AI-assisted Nanomedicine, Precision medicine, Translational research
희망분야: Exciting, Multidisciplinary, Challenging but high societal impact research at the interface of engineering and life sciences- +82-52-217-2511
- ykcho@UNIST.AC.KR
- http://fruits.unist.ac.kr/
- Bldg. 103 Rm. 308
박찬영Chan Young Park
관심분야: 칼슘채널, 칼슘신호, 세포분화 (근육, 지방, 혈액), 면역반응 (세포성 및 바이러스감염) / Calcium channel mediated signaling, Cellular differentiation, Coronavirus, Innate immune.- +82-52-217-5356
- cypark@unist.ac.kr
- http://www.chanyounglab.com
- Bldg. 110 Rm. 405
최은미EunMi Choi
테라헤르츠파 & 전자파응용 연구실
관심분야: Microfab-vacuum electron devices in millimeter/THz, OAM electromagnetics, high power THz sources- +82-52-217-2120
- emchoi@UNIST.AC.KR
- Bldg. 108 Rm. 405
이경호Kyungho Lee
표현적컴퓨팅 연구실
관심분야: Human-computer interaction, Machine learning, Gesture recognition, Intelligent UI design, Digital media design
희망분야: Human-centered machine learning, Deep technical UI/UX design, Information design, Emerging media arts- +82-52-217-3034
- kyungho@unist.ac.kr
- https://klee141.com
- Bldg. 104 Rm. 907-1
전정환Jeong hwan Jeon
로보틱스 및 모빌리티 연구실
관심분야: 제어, 모션 플래닝, 최적화, 학습 기반 알고리즘, 로보틱스, 자율 시스템, 미래 모빌리티, 자율주행차, 물류로봇
희망분야: 제어, 모션 플래닝, 최적화, 학습 기반 알고리즘, 로보틱스, 자율 시스템, 미래 모빌리티, 자율주행차, 물류로봇- +82-52-217-2254
- jhjeon@unist.ac.kr
- http://rml.unist.ac.kr
- Bldg. 106 Rm. 501-3
이세민Semin Lee
계산생물학 실험실
관심분야: Cancer genomics, single-cell omics, Structural bioinformatics, Machine learning, Precision medicine
희망분야: Rare disease genomics, Immunogenomics- +82-52-217-2663
- seminlee@unist.ac.kr
- http://compbio.unist.ac.kr
- Bldg. 110 Rm. 302
권오상Oh-Sang Kwon
지각, 운동, 학습 연구실
관심분야: Visual perception, Motion perception, Aging vision, Statistical learning, Bayesian inference, Perceptual learning, Computational Modeling- +82-52-217-2735
- oskwon@UNIST.AC.KR
- http://pal.unist.ac.kr
- Bldg. 104 Rm. 302