Jongmuk Won원종묵
Department of Civil, Urban, Earth, and Environmental Engineering
관심분야: 지반공학, 해상풍력, 탄소중립, 머신러닝 지반공학/Geotechnical Engineering, Offshore wind energy, Carbon neutrality, Machine learning
희망분야: 디지털 트윈, 탄소 포집/Digital Twin, Carbon capture- +82-52-217-2852
- jwon@unist.ac.kr
- https://sites.google.com/view/ssglab
- Bldg. 110 Rm. 901-11
Kwiyong Kim김귀용
Department of Civil, Urban, Earth, and Environmental Engineering
관심분야: 전기화학적 분리, 전기화학적 촉매, 환경 복원, 자원 회수 / Electrochemical separations, environmental remediation, resource recovery
희망분야: 생물전기화학, 생물광전기, NOx/SOx처리 / Bioelectrochemistry, Biophotovoltaics, NOx/SOx treatment- +82-52-217-2896
- kwiyongk@unist.ac.kr
- https://sites.google.com/view/unistreactlab
- Bldg. 110 Rm. 1107-2
Hyokwan Bae배효관
Department of Civil, Urban, Earth, and Environmental Engineering
관심분야: 에너지 중립 하폐수 처리, 물재이용, 유전자 지표, 바이오가스, 인공 지능 / Energy-Neutral Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, Genomic Indicator, Biogas, Artificial Intelligence
희망분야: 미세조류 에너지 전환, 고도 유전체 분석, 메타지놈 기반 지놈, 고성능 컴퓨팅 / Energy Conversion of Microalgae, Advanced Genomic Analysis, Metagenome-Assembled Genome, High-Performance Computing- +82-52-217-2801
- hyokwan.bae@unist.ac.kr
- http://bless.unist.ac.kr
- Bldg. 110 Rm. 1104-2
Dong-Hyun Cha차동현
Department of Civil, Urban, Earth, and Environmental Engineering
관심분야: 태풍모델링, 미래기후변화 지역기후모델링, 폭염 및 호우 예측 및 이해
희망분야: 자료동화, 인공지능 / Data Assimilation, AI- +82-52-217-2828
- dhcha@UNIST.AC.KR
- https://dhcha.unist.ac.kr
- Bldg. 110 Rm. 1011-11
Gun Kim김건
Department of Civil, Urban, Earth, and Environmental Engineering
관심분야: 초음파, 초음파 이미징, 음화학, 변형률 시각화 센서, 비파괴평가 / Ultrasonics, Quantitative ultrasound Imaging, Sonochemistry, Stress-Visualizing Sensor, Nondestructive Testing
희망분야: 바이오 초음파, 폴리머 패치, 초음파 기반 암치료, 의료물질 활성화 / Bioacoustics, Adhesive/Cohesive Polymer Patch, Sonodynamic Therapy, Ultrasound-Based Drug Delivery- +82-52-217-2800
- gunkim@unist.ac.kr
- http://smis.unist.ac.kr
- Bldg. 110 Rm. 901-8 / 911-2
Jaeweon Cho조재원
Department of Civil, Urban, Earth, and Environmental Engineering
- +82-52-217-2833
- jaeweoncho@UNIST.AC.KR
- http://withBasics.com
- Bldg. 110 Rm. 1101-4
Jungho Im임정호
Department of Civil, Urban, Earth, and Environmental Engineering
관심분야: 원격탐사, 인공 지능, 공간 모델링, 재난 모니터링 및 예측 / Remote sensing, artificial intelligence, spatial modeling, disaster monitoring and prediction- +82-52-217-2887
- ersgis@UNIST.AC.KR
- http://iris.unist.ac.kr
- Bldg. 110 Rm. 1003-1
Sang Seo Park박상서
Department of Civil, Urban, Earth, and Environmental Engineering
관심분야: 에어로졸, 미세 입자, 원격 감지, 복사관측, 위성 산출 / Aerosol, Fine particle, Remote Sensing, Radiation, Satellite retrieval
희망분야: 대기질 관측망, 알고리즘 개발, 위성 관측, 대기질 모델 개발 / Air quality observation network, retrieval algorithm development, satellite observation, air quality model scheme development- +82-52-217-2895
- sangseopark@unist.ac.kr
- https://unisterml.wixsite.com/unist-erml/
- Bldg. 110 Rm. 1001-10
Byungmin Kim김병민
Department of Civil, Urban, Earth, and Environmental Engineering
관심분야: 지진, 지진파, 지진학, 딥러닝, 산사태, 액상화 / Earthquake, ground motion, seismology, deep learning, landslide, liquefaction
희망분야: AI, 복합재난 / AI, multi-disaster- +82-52-217-2823
- byungmin.kim@unist.ac.kr
- http://byungminkim.unist.ac.kr/
- Bldg. 110 Rm. 901-5(Office)
Ji-bum Chung정지범
Department of Civil, Urban, Earth, and Environmental Engineering
관심분야: 재난 회복력, 위험관리, 위험소통, 안전디자인, 탄소중립 / Disaster resilience, Risk management/Communication, Safety design, Carbon neuralization- +82-52-217-3047
- learning@unist.ac.kr
- http://safelab.unist.ac.kr/
- Bldg. 110 Rm. 1001-6
학부 분류 / Faculty Classification
College of Engineering
Department of Civil, Urban, Earth, and Environmental Engineering