Task Infomation by Department

사업별 담당자 안내
Name Kwangho Lee
Department Research Management Team Position Manager
E – mail qta127@unist.ac.kr Extension number 1441
Task Direct research management affairs
사업별 담당자 안내
Name Ara Jo
Department Research Management Team Position PL
E – mail cactus20@unist.ac.kr Extension number 1451
Task Standardize research support work and improve process
· Programs of MSIT
- Basic Research Program (Individual-Shinjin)
· Collection of PBS and Indirect Costs
사업별 담당자 안내
Name Eun Ju Shin
Department Research Management Team Position Staff
E – mail sej113@unist.ac.kr Extension number 1445
Task · Programs of Government-Funded Institutes
· Programs of MOHW (Ministry of Health and Welfare), MFDS (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety)
· Programs of MOLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructures and Transport)
· Programs of MOIS (Ministry of the Interior and Safety)
· Programs of KFS (Korea Forest Service), RDA (Rural Development Administration), MAFRA (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs)
· Programs of KMA (Korea Meteorological Administration)
· Programs of Other Governmental Ministries
사업별 담당자 안내
Name Taijin Park
Department Research Management Team Position Staff
E – mail dreamer@unist.ac.kr Extension number 1448
Task · Research Administration Training
· Production of Manual on Research Administration
· Management of Research Support Personnel System
· Management of Research Administration Community
· Operation of Research Facilities Integrated Management System
사업별 담당자 안내
Name Soonwon Park
Department Research Management Team Position Staff
E – mail minpark@unist.ac.kr Extension number 1453
Task · Programs of MSIT (Ministry of Science and ICT) (Source Technology Development Program, Climate Change Response Technology)
· Programs of MSIT (IITP)
Programs of MSIT (NIPA)
· Programs of General Ministries
사업별 담당자 안내
Name Sangjeong Lee
Department Research Management Team Position staff
E – mail sjlee@unist.ac.kr Extension number 1447
Task · Programs of MSS(Ministry of SMEs and Startups), ME(Ministry of Environment), MOF (Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Rural Development Administration)
· Programs of MND (Ministry of National Defense), DAPA (Defense Acquisition Program Administration)
· Support for RCMS System
· General Affairs
사업별 담당자 안내
Name Soo Kyung, Ryu
Department Research management team Position Staff
E – mail skryu@unist.ac.kr Extension number 1446
Task · Programs of MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
- Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology
- Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning
- Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology
· Other programs of MOTIE
· General Management of RCMS System
· i-Tube
사업별 담당자 안내
Name Young Eun Kim
Department Research Management Team Position staff
E – mail yngen1004@unist.ac.kr Extension number 1449
Task · Programs of MOE
- Basic Research Program
- Humanities and Social Science Programs
- Other Education Training Program/Research Exchange Program
· Other MOE Programs
· Nuclear Safety and Security Commission
· Management of Research Fund Cards and System
· Management of Researcher Labor Costs
사업별 담당자 안내
Name Eunhee Kim
Department Research Management Team Position staff
E – mail kimeh@unist.ac.kr Extension number 1444
Task · Basic Research Program (Group) of MSIT
· Other MSIT Programs (Giant Science R&D Program / Nuclear Energy R&D Program)
· International Cooperation Programs of MSIT/NRF
· Academic Research Management Programs/HR Development Programs (BK, KRF, BP, etc)
· S&T-Based Local-Customized R&D Programs
· General Management of Ezbaro System· Programs of MSIT
- Basic Research Program (Individual: Leader, Gibon, Sejong Science Fellowship)
사업별 담당자 안내
Name Yongjin Kim
Department Research Management Team Position staff
E – mail porsche911@unist.ac.kr Extension number 1443
Task · Industry Projects
· Programs of Non-profit Institutes
· Programs of Local Government
· R&E Programs of KOFAC (Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity), KSA (Korea Science Academy)
· Development of Research Management System and Process(ERP-PI)