1395 |
Request for nominations for participants at the 71st Lindau Nobel Prize Laureates Conference / 제71회 린다우 노벨.. |
2021.10.07 |
868 |
1394 |
[NST] Announcement of new tasks for the 2021 creative convergence research project (urgent issues) | 2021년도 창의.. |
2021.09.23 |
4,204 |
1393 |
Information on the implementation of the contest for problem-solving technology proposals for researchers in the 2022 .. |
2021.09.14 |
5,191 |
1392 |
[NST] 2023 Convergence Research Center Project Research Topic Demand Survey Guide | 2023년도 융합연구단 사업 .. |
2021.09.14 |
2,085 |
1391 |
Announcement of publication of 「Food and Drug RD Issue Report (Covid-19 Diagnostic Device Market and Development Trend.. |
2021.09.06 |
1,510 |
1390 |
울산 게놈서비스산업 규제자유특구 실증특례 이용자 고지 |
2021.08.30 |
1,712 |
1389 |
[이나고] TRINKA_AI기반 무료 영문교정 툴 안내(무료사용기한: ~ 21년 8월 31일) |
2021.07.22 |
1,866 |
1388 |
[에세이리뷰] Wordvice AI Proofreader_AI Proofreading 솔루션 무료이용 안내(무료사용기한: ~ 2021.09.30.. |
2021.07.22 |
1,691 |
1387 |
Submission of proposals for future challenging defense technology R&D project in 2021 (individual task) | 2021년도.. |
2021.07.15 |
5,171 |
1386 |
2021 Future Challenge Defense Technology R&D Project Proposal Competition (PM Planning Task) | 2021년도 미래도.. |
2021.07.15 |
5,189 |
1385 |
NST 2021 Convergence Research Group Project New Project Competition | 국가과학기술연구회 2021년도 융합연.. |
2021.07.07 |
5,099 |
1384 |
Announcement of ‘2021 Core Technology R&D Project Tasks’ | 2021년 핵심기술 연구개발사업 과.. |
2021.06.22 |
5,000 |
1383 |
Announcement of new tasks for 2021 「Creative Allied Project (CAP)」 | 2021년도 창의형 융합연구사업 신규.. |
2021.06.09 |
6,507 |
1382 |
[Korea East-West Power] Regular competition for ideas for R&D projects promoted in 2021~22 | [한국동서발전] 20.. |
2021.05.28 |
6,189 |
1381 |
A collection of papers from KEEI(Korea Energy Economics Institute) / 학술지 「에너지경제연구」 논문 투고.. |
2021.05.25 |
894 |
1380 |
Information on 「2021 Craft Field Technology R&D Support」 |
2021.04.26 |
4,835 |
1379 |
Announcement of New Projects for ‘Intelligent Rehabilitation Exercise, Sports Intermediation Research Project̵.. |
2021.04.26 |
5,777 |
1378 |
Bank of Korea Ulsan Branch External Research Project Recruitment | 한국은행 울산본부 외부연구용역 공모 |
2021.04.16 |
6,030 |
1377 |
KEPCO’s 2021 support outside the company recruitment announcement for new basic research projects(1st) | 한국전.. |
2021.04.12 |
6,113 |
1376 |
‘2021 Defense Core Technology’ Project Contest Guide | ‘2021년 국방핵심기술’ 과제공모.. |
2021.04.12 |
2,790 |
1375 |
Guidance on the request to submit the ‘2021 Creative Convergence Research Project’ | 2021년도 창의형 .. |
2021.04.12 |
5,123 |
1374 |
Publication and distribution of safety technology RD webzine Volume 11 / 식품·의약품 등 안전기술 RD 웹진 .. |
2021.04.02 |
1,496 |
1373 |
Announcement on publication of the booklet 「The Role of Appearance for Success in the Korean Version of the New Deal.. |
2021.04.02 |
1,517 |
1372 |
Announcement of ‘2021 Academic/Research Polar Research Promotion Program (PAP) New Project’ | 2021년 학·.. |
2021.03.03 |
4,846 |
1371 |
「2021 Drone Regulation Sandbox Project」 Competition Guide | 「2021년 드론 규제 샌드박스 사업」 공모.. |
2021.02.22 |
8,947 |
1370 |
Announcement of application for “2021 Smart Farm Multi-Ministry Package Innovative Technology Development” /.. |
2021.02.17 |
7,141 |
1369 |
Busan Facility Corporation “Research and Development Site Demonstration Platform” Operation Notice / 부산시설공.. |
2021.01.25 |
880 |
1368 |
Announcement of 「2021 Smart Campus Challenge Project」 2021년 스마트캠퍼스 챌린지 사업 공모 |
2021.01.21 |
5,192 |
1367 |
Publication and distribution of safety technology RD webzine Volume 10 / 식품·의약품 등 안전기술 RD 웹진 .. |
2021.01.05 |
1,553 |
1366 |
Online information session for MFDS Regulatory Science Talent Training Project 2021년도 식약처 규제과학 인재.. |
2020.12.24 |
1,492 |