1315 |
한-미 과학기술협력 협정 개정(안) 관련 의견 요청(Request for opinions on the Agreement Relating to sci.. |
2018.09.27 |
1,652 |
1314 |
(MSIT)Request of Scientific technique&ICT Discussion agenda between Korea & Swiss. |
2018.09.21 |
1,602 |
1313 |
(MSIT)Request of Scientific technique&ICT Discussion agenda between Korea & Malaysia. |
2018.09.21 |
1,629 |
1312 |
[Announcement of 2018 Contest for Excellent Achievement of Research Notebook]2018년도 연구노트 우수 성과 공.. |
2018.09.19 |
1,638 |
1311 |
Demand Survey for Research Project Ideas in Engergy Fiends (에너지경제연구원 2018년도 수시연구사업 수.. |
2018.08.27 |
1,575 |
1310 |
Demand Survey for Interdisciiplinary or Cooperative Research Projects in Energy Fields(2018년/2019년도 융복합 / .. |
2018.08.27 |
1,600 |
1309 |
[2018 Request for Cooperation in Writing and Managing Research Notebook]2018년도 연구노트 작성·관리 실태 .. |
2018.08.23 |
1,599 |
1308 |
[IITP]Demand servey on finding new services for ICT future convergence |
2018.07.09 |
1,650 |
1307 |
[ADD]Technology Development Project on Civil-Military Technology Cooperation민군겸용기술개발사업 기술수요.. |
2018.06.14 |
1,652 |
1306 |
[MSIT]Request of Scientific technique&ICT agenda in Korea-Europe한-유럽 과학기술 및 ICT 협력관련 의제.. |
2018.05.17 |
1,711 |