
번호 제목 등록일 조회 첨부
1315 한-미 과학기술협력 협정 개정(안) 관련 의견 요청(Request for opinions on the Agreement Relating to sci.. 2018.09.27 453
1314 (MSIT)Request of Scientific technique&ICT Discussion agenda between Korea & Swiss. 2018.09.21 457
1313 (MSIT)Request of Scientific technique&ICT Discussion agenda between Korea & Malaysia. 2018.09.21 465
1312 [Announcement of 2018 Contest for Excellent Achievement of Research Notebook]2018년도 연구노트 우수 성과 공.. 2018.09.19 464
1311 Demand Survey for Research Project Ideas in Engergy Fiends (에너지경제연구원 2018년도 수시연구사업 수.. 2018.08.27 429
1310 Demand Survey for Interdisciiplinary or Cooperative Research Projects in Energy Fields(2018년/2019년도 융복합 / .. 2018.08.27 457
1309 [2018 Request for Cooperation in Writing and Managing Research Notebook]2018년도 연구노트 작성·관리 실태 .. 2018.08.23 438
1308 [IITP]Demand servey on finding new services for ICT future convergence 2018.07.09 485
1307 [ADD]Technology Development Project on Civil-Military Technology Cooperation민군겸용기술개발사업 기술수요.. 2018.06.14 533
1306 [MSIT]Request of Scientific technique&ICT agenda in Korea-Europe한-유럽 과학기술 및 ICT 협력관련 의제.. 2018.05.17 557