
번호 제목 등록일 조회 첨부
1165 Suggestions of nuclear and radiation research project themes 2014.07.16 1,982
1164 [July 29, 2014] An Invention Interview(Lee Haksoo patent Office) 2014.07.15 1,932
1163 [Daegu Kyungpook Research] (No. 13, No.2) Cooperation Submitting papers 2014.07.08 2,105
1162 [JULY. 22. 2014.] An Invention Interview(HMP IP &LAW FIRM) 2014.07.07 2,023
1161 [JULY. 15. 2014.] An Invention Interview(Friends International Patent & Law Office) 2014.07.07 1,961
1160 [JULY. 01. 2014.] An Invention Interview(CHUNG HYUN PATENT & LAW FIRM) 2014.06.16 2,042
1159 37th NRF(National Research Foundation of Korea) policy seminar presentation material / 제37회 NRF 정책세미나 발.. 2014.06.13 2,076
1158 [JUN 24, 2014] An Invention Interview(CHANG & HAN) 2014.06.10 2,026
1157 [JUN 17, 2014] An Invention Interview(First Law P.C) 2014.06.10 2,038
1156 Urban humanities supporting project briefing session announcement / 인문도시지원사업 설명회 개최 안내 2014.06.05 1,974
1155 36th NRF(National Research Foundation of Korea) policy seminar presentation material / 제36회 NRF 정책세미나 .. 2014.05.28 2,126
1154 [JUNE 10, 2014] An Invention Interview(TAEBAEK IP Law FIRM) 2014.05.26 2,057
1153 [JUN 03, 2014] An Invention Interview(YOU ME Patent & Law Firm) 2014.05.26 2,139
1152 [May 27, 2014] An Invention Interview(Lee Haksoo patent Office) 2014.05.19 2,107
1151 [May 20, 2014] An Invention Interview(HMP IP & Law Office) 2014.05.19 2,124
1150 2014 recruiting researcher of a regular support policy research projects / 2014년 교육부 정기지원 정책연구.. 2014.05.09 2,151
1149 Korea-UK International joint research guideline(MOU standard form)/한-영 국제공동연구 가이드라인(표준협.. 2014.05.07 2,575
1148 Manual for 2014 SSK short project application/2014년 한국사회과학연구지원(SSK) 단기과제 신청 접수 매.. 2014.04.29 2,253
1147 [May 13, 2014] An Invention Interview(Friends International Patent & Law Office) 2014.04.28 2,219
1146 2015 Technology demand survey for National Forensic Service R&D project /2015년도 국립과학수사연구원 R&#.. 2014.04.23 2,262