
번호 제목 등록일 조회 첨부
1359 [NRF] 2021 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis(IIASA) summer training for doctoral students(YSSP) 2021.. 2020.11.04 2,934
1358 Online information session for MFDS R&D project 2021년 식약처 연구개발사업 온라인 설명회 개최 알.. 2020.10.27 509
1357 Publication and distribution of safety technology RD webzine Volume 9 / 식품·의약품 등 안전기술 RD 웹진 통.. 2020.10.23 596
1356 Publication and distribution of safety technology RD webzine Volume 8 / 식품·의약품 등 안전기술 RD 웹진 통.. 2020.08.20 639
1355 [MDiMune, Research Contest ‘1st BioDrone Award&apos’] [엠디뮨] 연구공모전 '1st BioDrone Aw.. 2020.08.20 2,248
1354 Publication and distribution of safety technology RD webzine, such as food and medicine / 식품·의약품 등 안전.. 2020.07.06 668
1353 [Announcement of Presentation for Quantum Information Science Program] 양자정보과학 리더급 연구역량강화(.. 2020.06.23 824
1352 Publication and distribution of safety technology RD webzine such as food and drug / 식품·의약품 등 안전기술 .. 2020.04.20 864
1351 [2020 Request for Submission of Problem-Solving Proposal on CAP(Creative Allied Project)] 2020년도 창의형 융합연.. 2020.04.10 932
1350 Busan Facility Corporation “Research and Development Site Demonstration Platform” Operation Notice / 부산.. 2020.03.31 824