
번호 제목 등록일 조회 첨부
1384 Announcement of ‘2021 Core Technology R&D Project Tasks’ | 2021년 핵심기술 연구개발사업 과.. 2021.06.22 2,440
1383 Announcement of new tasks for 2021 「Creative Allied Project (CAP)」 | 2021년도 창의형 융합연구사업 신규.. 2021.06.09 4,032
1382 [Korea East-West Power] Regular competition for ideas for R&D projects promoted in 2021~22 | [한국동서발전] 20.. 2021.05.28 3,646
1381 A collection of papers from KEEI(Korea Energy Economics Institute) / 학술지 「에너지경제연구」 논문 투고.. 2021.05.25 306
1380 Information on 「2021 Craft Field Technology R&D Support」 2021.04.26 2,358
1379 Announcement of New Projects for ‘Intelligent Rehabilitation Exercise, Sports Intermediation Research Project̵.. 2021.04.26 3,318
1378 Bank of Korea Ulsan Branch External Research Project Recruitment | 한국은행 울산본부 외부연구용역 공모 2021.04.16 3,799
1377 KEPCO’s 2021 support outside the company recruitment announcement for new basic research projects(1st) | 한국전.. 2021.04.12 3,649
1376 ‘2021 Defense Core Technology’ Project Contest Guide | ‘2021년 국방핵심기술’ 과제공모.. 2021.04.12 1,731
1375 Guidance on the request to submit the ‘2021 Creative Convergence Research Project’ | 2021년도 창의형 .. 2021.04.12 2,622
1374 Publication and distribution of safety technology RD webzine Volume 11 / 식품·의약품 등 안전기술 RD 웹진 .. 2021.04.02 424
1373 Announcement on publication of the booklet 「The Role of Appearance for Success in the Korean Version of the New Deal.. 2021.04.02 450
1372 Announcement of ‘2021 Academic/Research Polar Research Promotion Program (PAP) New Project’ | 2021년 학·.. 2021.03.03 2,338
1371 「2021 Drone Regulation Sandbox Project」 Competition Guide | 「2021년 드론 규제 샌드박스 사업」 공모.. 2021.02.22 6,454
1370 Announcement of application for “2021 Smart Farm Multi-Ministry Package Innovative Technology Development” /.. 2021.02.17 4,506
1369 Busan Facility Corporation “Research and Development Site Demonstration Platform” Operation Notice / 부산시설공.. 2021.01.25 296
1368 Announcement of 「2021 Smart Campus Challenge Project」 2021년 스마트캠퍼스 챌린지 사업 공모 2021.01.21 2,746
1367 Publication and distribution of safety technology RD webzine Volume 10 / 식품·의약품 등 안전기술 RD 웹진 .. 2021.01.05 465
1366 Online information session for MFDS Regulatory Science Talent Training Project 2021년도 식약처 규제과학 인재.. 2020.12.24 417
1365 A collection of papers from KEEI(Korea Energy Economics Institute) / 학술지 「에너지경제연구」 논문 투고.. 2020.11.24 524