R&D 사업공고


[Announcement of New Call for 2022 General Grants Project] 2022년도 과학기술정보통신부 기본연구 신규과제 공모

Feb 27. 2022

*General Grants (Gibon Yeongu)

-Eligible individuals: Full-time faculty members in the field of science and engineering, or researchers of national (public) ·government-funded·private research institutes.

– Researcher Application/receipt period : 2022. 2. 25.(Fri) 09:00:00 ~ 2022. 3. 7. (Mon) 18:00:00

– Approval from host institute : 2022. 2. 25.(Fri) 09:00:00 ~ 2022. 3. 10. (Thur) 18:00:00

– Contact Information: 042-869-6805


-지원대상: 대학 이공분야 교원(전임*) 및 국(공)립·정부출연·민간 연구소의 연구원

-연구자 신청/접수기간 : 2022. 2. 25.(금) 09:00:00 ~ 2022. 3. 7.(월) 18:00:00

– 주관연구기관 승인 : 2022. 2. 25.(금) 09:00:00 ~ 2022. 3. 10.(목) 18:00:00

-문의처 :  042-869-6805