2022 New Call for LS Cable & System Research Proposal 2022 LS전선 기술 공모전 안내
Jan 04. 2022
담당자[ person in charge ] | 엄효정 | 관련분야[ Related research area ] | |
연락처[ Contacts ] | 052-217-1443 | 이메일[ E-mail ] | eomhj@unist.ac.kr |
부처명[ Goverment department ] | 공고기관[ Announcing institute ] | LS전선 | |
공고일[ Announcement date ] | 2022.01.03 | 접수마감일[ Deadline ] | 2022.01.28 |
연구지원팀 접수마감일[ Deadline for Research supporting team ] |
1. 참가대상 : 보유기술을 전선에 활용하고 싶은 대학 및 연구기관
1. Eligiblity: Universities and research institutes that want to utilize their technology related to wire.
2. 모집분야 :
– 지정공모: 전장부품의 방열 및 차폐기술, 자원재활용, 친환경 전선자재 개발 등
– 자율공모: LS전선 사업에 적용하고 싶은 기술 자유 제안
2. Research Area
– Heat dissipation and shielding technology for electronic components, recycling resources, development of eco-friendly wire materials, etc.
– Proposal of technology freedom to be applied to LS Cable Business
3. 신청기한 : 2022. 01. 28(금) 까지
3. Due date: by 2022. 01. 28(Fri)
4. 접수방법 : 붙임 제안서 양식 작성 및 e-mail 회신 (openrnd@lscns.com)
4. How to apply: submit the attached document by email(openrnd@lscns.com)
5. 문의처: Open R&D 사무국(031-450-8025)
5. Inquries: Open R&D office(031-450-8025)